monkey1958 Posted August 11, 2009 Report Posted August 11, 2009 Hello. I'm Joseph and am a new guy in this forum. Thanks for all of the great information. I hope I can reach some decisions about the 1991 Cutlass convertible that's become my daily driver. I'm not really sure what to do with it, whether I should keep it and get the top fixed, or sell it. This is a low-miliage car just turned over 66,000. It's red with a black top and gray interior. On the mecahnical side, it runs decent - like a new car. But cosmetically it's pretty "challenged". No big dents, or bad rust. A few faded body panels, some tears in the leather interior, and major top problems. I do sort of like the car. I saw a few for sale, but the cheapest is about 3,000 with some 90K miles. I'm sure mine will be worth much more with the top repaired, but it looks like it could cost a small fortune. The main problem is a piece of the top frame, looks like it once was a single piece that curves, at the rear passenger side is broken with a chunk of the piece missing. I don't know what the part is called, but it's situated in above the area of the left rear "baby" window - the window that is stationary. It had a spring attached to it, and it looks like it is a part of the passenger side frame. It's situated "back to front" as opposed to left to right across the top. It looks like metal or aluminum cast. The part fits in line with the rest of the left side frame pieces. It's broken and causes the top to sag on the driver's side. A repairman suggested I get an entire top frame from a junked vehicle. That isn't going to be easy to do - it seems impossible to find the parts. I didn't want a major project car, and this is a major project. I think the major project isn't the repair, but finding the parts. I'm reluctant to keep it a "permanent" soft-top-closed vehicle, and I probably won't get crap to sell it like it is now. The canvas top is pretty much "terminal". So I'm wondering what might be best to do with the convertible. It will run fine, but it leaks in the rain and looks horrible. I don't know if I should pour money into it, or drive it until it falls apart. It has a 3.1 engine which is the same as a Buick Century wagon I once owned, and that car had well over 140,000 on it before I sold it. It ran strong and good. This Cutty runs strong and good. I'm just sick of driving "project cars" that look like crap and take forever and a day to find parts to fix up. It seems like I never "get a round-tuit". This is really my only car - I have an old Ford pickup which is a project in itself, but I use it as a truck when I need it. But it sure ain't a daily driver. What are your thoughts or suggestions? Quote
xtremerevolution Posted August 11, 2009 Report Posted August 11, 2009 I would try to get it fixed, in my opinion. Those are nice cars, and as you said, are worth a decent amount in good condition. With the top in that condition, you won't get a whole lot for it, even though the rest of the car is great. With it being such a low mileage car, I think it would be worth it to fix it. Quote
ripp Posted August 11, 2009 Report Posted August 11, 2009 where are you at ? I have a whole top frame Quote
swift13 Posted August 12, 2009 Report Posted August 12, 2009 with the previous post i say go all out and fix it!! cuz if finding the frame was your biggest problem, well you just solved that.but if your looking for something stable maybe a trouble-some vert just isnt for you. and lets see some pics. Quote
monkey1958 Posted August 14, 2009 Author Report Posted August 14, 2009 Hi again, Hey Ripp, I live in Cleveland Ohio, and I noticed that you live in Michigan somewhere. I'm not too far from Detroit; I'd drive up for the frame if the price is reasonable. Swift13 - I don't know if the car is trouble-some - its more like the operator . The Cutty is a real good runner. But it bounces all over hell, front end pointing every which-way, bad oil pressure sensor - oh sorry oil pressure "switch", but it's mostly minor mechanical stuff. I'd say struts, oil pressure switch, and front end alignment is about all it needs mechanically. But the thing smells like a musty old couch in a damp basement. How do you fumigate the interior and/or trunk? I don't understand how a car with 66,000 miles could get so beat up looking, and whoever owned it must have purposely set out to abuse the top! But the car doesn't huff oil, it doesn't leak anything, transmission shifts as perfect as those particular GM trannies can shift, and rolls and rolls even though the front end is in desperate need of alignment. What's nice is that it still has that new car "purr" where you can't tell it's running which ain't bad considering the vehicle is 18 years old. It doesn't sound like it needs a tune-up, and it sure does get good gas miliage. The girl told me it's a "cream-puff" and she said I should keep it too, and put money into fixing the ragtop. She's pretty cool and has good intuition, and she's never steered me wrong. Maybe she just likes that it's a convertible? It's a rare lady that will encourage a guy to restore a classic, or put money into a "toy" - but she talked me into keeping the old pickup as my "project", too. I hear most guys say their women don't want them spending time and money on their steel and 4-wheels. "Sell it" - it takes up space and money. I'm blessed to have the girl AND the cars, too! But I guess it's just me with the convertible "issues". The car is sooo much not me. Give me a pickup or a Jeep or something that oozes testosterone . This Cutlass is such a girlie car ! Red convertible - sheesh! I guess it will force me to get "in touch with my inner female". Wow a theraputic chain of events. Quote
swift13 Posted August 14, 2009 Report Posted August 14, 2009 thats funny cuz im the same way. im a big truck and off-road freak but i cant stop looking at my vert when its clean that is my wife is weird about it she bought the car for me knowing i was gonna keep it and yet still manages to complain lol Quote
BXX Posted August 15, 2009 Report Posted August 15, 2009 hey there. youre in cleveland! im in medina. pullapart in cleveland typically has cutlass verts with intact top frames. Quote
monkey1958 Posted August 16, 2009 Author Report Posted August 16, 2009 Hey 1Loud, I was at the drugstore this morning and a guy with a BMW vert pointed out that my top "looks like hell". but he also told me about PullApart and they have a good selection of verts. I ran into some extra bucks this weekend, so I'm guessing I'm supposed to get cracking on this car. I was gonna give the girl my 37" LCD and pick up a bigger plasma TV (real cheap off Craigslist). You know what she said? "Don't do it. Remember the convertible?" What kind of girl is this who turns down a gift like a LCD TV? I tell you what - SHES A REAL KEEPER! Guess I'll get my lazy butt out there and take some "BEFORE" pictures of that Cutty. Surely you guys will laugh. Quote
tdvs Posted August 17, 2009 Report Posted August 17, 2009 This Cutlass is such a girlie car ! Red convertible - sheesh! I guess it will force me to get "in touch with my inner female". Wow a theraputic chain of events. I think you're going a bit off the deep end here. It's not all THAT bad. At least it's not pink. Hope she keeps on you're ass about fixing and keeping the car. Maybe you'll change your mind a bit when you can cruise with her with the top down. Good luck. Quote
grannatnl Posted December 7, 2009 Report Posted December 7, 2009 I know I am getting in on this topic a few months late but I had this problem once on the only 1990 Conv. I ever owned. My mechanic was able to make a new piece from metal. In my case the section that broke was not visible from the outside but it effected the top since the frame cracked. A good mechanic can fix the issue and in my case it cost me only for the labor which amounted to 2 hours. Quote
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