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95 Cutlass 3.4 DOHC Code P1640...OBD 1.5

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I'm showing a code on my car, P1640 "Quad Driver Module A" fault...



It's a '95, but it has a 12-pin ALDL connector, most people seem to refer to it as "OBD 1.5", because it shows "P" codes, yet uses the old ALDL connector.


I know what the quad drivers are, but what devices do Quad Driver Module A control?






I thought Quad Drivers controlled the injectors. I had a similiar fault in a 1988 Calais with the Quad 4. The PCM had to be replaced. Wrecked the car instead!


I'm showing a code on my car, P1640 "Quad Driver Module A" fault...


It's a '95, but it has a 12-pin ALDL connector, most people seem to refer to it as "OBD 1.5", because it shows "P" codes, yet uses the old ALDL connector.


I know what the quad drivers are, but what devices do Quad Driver Module A control?






the only obd1.5 vehicles to get the obd2 connector were the 95 LT1s...


quad drivers going bad means a new PCM...


I'm showing a code on my car, P1640 "Quad Driver Module A" fault...


It's a '95, but it has a 12-pin ALDL connector, most people seem to refer to it as "OBD 1.5", because it shows "P" codes, yet uses the old ALDL connector.


I know what the quad drivers are, but what devices do Quad Driver Module A control?






the only obd1.5 vehicles to get the obd2 connector were the 95 LT1s...


quad drivers going bad means a new PCM...


Why does my 95 LQ1 car have one then?




^really? i've only ever seen the 95 LT1s with a obd2 connector...


i guess the LQ1 cars follow the same pattern


94-OBD1 connector

95-OBD2 connector


I have had an OBD2 scan tool plugged into my car to see if it would pick anything up, of course it didn't.


Its the exact same connector that is in Ryan's 96 GP SE which would OBD 2... and I have spent enough time under the 2 dashes changing out steering columns to notice the differences, lol...


Had this thread been posted yesterday I would of checked Breakdown's 95 3100 SE




my 95 lq1 car had an OBD1 type connector.... :willynilly:


please take a picture!


now my world is getting all kinds of fucked up...


simpler way is to count the pins

12 for a obd1 connecor

16 for obd2


slight differences in shape, but number of slots for pins is more foolproof....


quad drivers going bad means a new PCM...


Quad Driver codes are often not thrown due to the quad driver itself, but due to the items they control.



Daniel, I'm not sure about a '95 DOHC, but I know a '94('94-95 have the OBDI w/ OBDII style codes and flashable proms in the computers) w/ a 3800(regal) controls the TCC solenoid + evap solenoid w/ quad driver A. I assume the ecm's control the same items for your car too...maybe someone with alldata, mitchell, etc. can look that up for you to confirm that.



EDIT: About the different connectors, later '95's likely all have the OBD-II style connector. With certain scan tools, you can mod a cable to get them to work on those IF your scan tool doesn't include a cable that will work. Search both of the bonneville boards, they had a page about modding a cable for their cars w/ OBD-II style connectors a few years back...nevermind, I found it for you guys: http://pontiacbonnevilleclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=199




Sorry I'm so slow to post...was pretty busy yesterday. BTW, in answer to the question, my car was built in September 1994 (which makes it an early '95), and it has the old 12-pin ALDL connnector.


I was successful in finding out a few things...I have an old Actron scantool, that actually for the most part works on my car. I found it on Ebay, and it works on my '95 Cutlass, my '94 LeBaron, and our '93 Buick Century station wagon...definitely got my money's worth, I've got less than $100.00 in the tool.


Turns out that Quad Module "A" information is kind of hard to find, but I did find out TWO of the things QDM A, (or QDM1, depending on who you ask) control. Quad A controls TCC, and the Evaporative Purge solenoid.


After tracing wiring for a while, I discovered that the evaporative purge solenoid had a reading of infinity using a DVM, indicating the coil was open. BTW, the replacement ohmed out at 27 ohms, for those that might wonder what a good one looks like.


The problem doesn't even exist for true OBDII cars beginning in 1996...the PCM actually directly monitors the performance of the evap purge solenoid on OBDII cars, eliminating the need to guess what the code means.


Hope this helps someone else!

  • 2 years later...

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