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my mom backed into my GTP today


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It was a beautifull 85 degree day out today, so I deceded to wash and wax the GTP to take it to the Log Cabin car show wich is every wed. Well... I washed the car, and since i didnt want to wax it in the direct sunlight.... I pulled it under the big ass oak tree in my front yard so it was in the shade.... behind my mom's 05 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT. I left enough room for her to manouver around my car incase she had to go anywhere while I was waxing my car.


Well... I waxed the whole car, and as I was wiping the wax off....I was working on the rear driver side door, when all of a sudden I hear a liud bang, and my car moves......I literally heard my front tires screech... thats how hard my mom hit me.


At first I was in shock..........I didnt know what to think. I made sure she was Ok, then I looked at the rear of her van and the front of my car. Her trailer hitch barely scratched into my lower part of the bumper where it's the darker grey...and cracked the paint on most of the bumper. It left a black mark about a foot long on the bumper from the plastic piece on her rear bumper....but I got that out in 5 seconds with some simple green, and re-waxed it. It left a couple scratches... but I honestly dont care too much, cause It's a 9 year old car...and it's not worth going thru insurance to fix...cause you cant even see the scratches from 5 feet away. Not one bit of damage to her van. She literally was in tears when she got out of her van to look at my car....cause she knows how much i take car of my car, and she thought i would be absolutely pissed, but she's my mom.....I could never yell at her........I love her too much lol. It's all good I guess..... no damage to her van.... and very minimal damage to my front bumper.........I honestly do not care....the bumper needed a re-paint anyways..........I'm just gunna make my mom pay part of fixing my ball joints/ controll arm bushings/ allignment.... to make it even.

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yeah....If i tried to take pics of it... they probably wouldnt even come out too well. The scratches that are there are so light in color and its a silver car.... you gotta get close to see them. The paint fractures are only noticable up close as well. Fortunately my mom's van is silver also....so that probably helped.

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I like your attitude. No matter how much work you put into it, it's still only a car. Unless you name it then it's completely different, it gets a personality, social life, etc.

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I know people that would have flipped shit and threatened to take their mom to court over something like that.


I'm sure you'll have a big birthday/Christmas/Hanukkah/whatever present coming though... :high5:

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I'm the same way when it comes to cars. Yeah, it sucks that my Firebird was hit by a lady with no insurance, but I knew not to waste my energy being frustrated, as it would be fixed, and all would be fine.


Yeah, I lost most of the summer enjoying it, but oh well.

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I'm the same way now as well. A car is just that - a car. It can always be repaired or replaced. There is nothing to get all bent out of shape over something small. I think I'd nickname my Mom "Crash" or somethign just to bug her but I wouldnt be mad.

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At least your in laws haven't played bumper cars with it haha!


Is it bad that I saw the thread title and thought, "NOT AGAIN?!?!" before I looked at who posted it?? :lol:


Glad nobody was hurt and no major damage.

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At least your in laws haven't played bumper cars with it haha!


Is it bad that I saw the thread title and thought, "NOT AGAIN?!?!" before I looked at who posted it?? :lol:



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