Guest TurboSedan Posted September 7, 2003 Report Posted September 7, 2003 can anyone tell me how to R&R (remove/replace) a shift fork in the Getrag 282? i gotta use my old one in the new 282 i just bought, since that one is FUBAR. i can't really figure it out..... TIA joshua Quote
Guest TurboSedan Posted September 7, 2003 Report Posted September 7, 2003 ok went over to the garage to try again and no luck. apparantly the bar that the slave cylinder pushes on has a bolt on it that clamps it to the shift fork's splines. i loosened the bolt that clamps it to the shift fork, and it won't budge. i tried WD-40 and using a pickle fork/BFH and tried tapping it more towards the center so i could pull the shaft out, but the dang thing won't move. there is also a plastic cap on the end of the shift fork on the outside of the trans - how do i remove this? i hate being 'stuck' on a project...hopefully this won't require special tools or i'd have to take it in to a tranny shop somewhere thanks joshua Quote
Guest TurboSedan Posted September 8, 2003 Report Posted September 8, 2003 anyone?? i'm desperate to get the shift fork removed and replaced. the engine/trans will be out early tomarrow morning. otherwise i'll be taking both 282's to a shop on monday or tuesday and have the shift forks R&R'd for me. that would suck Tim G: call me @ 721-5878 if you want to stop by and check out the progress or anything - maybe give me some ideas on what to do.... or just pull in the alley behind the 700 block of South 8th Street and you'll see me..... joshua Quote
Guest TurboSedan Posted September 8, 2003 Report Posted September 8, 2003 d'oh!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: this whole time i was really meaning the 'clutch fork', not the 'shift fork'. sorry about the confusion. anyway, i got it out today. i had to take the bolt all the way out of the release lever (clutch fork is slotted) so i could slide it towards input shaft and then pry the plastic cap off the outside of the tranny on the end of the clutch fork. then we just tapped the bad clutch fork out with a hammer. after i get the bad Getrag 282 out of the car i'm going to take both trannies to the GM dealership here so they can swap out the forks, add a new outer clutch fork bearing (the bearings the fork rides on on the ends). i trashed the outer bearing when i tapped the fork out....i think this bearing must be replaced everytime you R&R a clutch fork(?). it's also getting a new TO bearing sleeve, since the bad clutch fork hit it and put a small dent in it (the bad fork is twisted up pretty bad). anyway, hopefully the dealership doesn't charge me and arm & a leg for this job, i'm hoping under $100. well, at least the tranny was only $160..... joshua Quote
Guest TurboSedan Posted October 13, 2003 Report Posted October 13, 2003 change of plans! i'm swapping my entire bellhousing out from my bad trans and putting it on the new trans. no clutch fork to swap out or TO bearing sleeve to worry about. i'll still get a new TO bearing tho. i'm plannin' on pulling the motor/tranny tomarrow - iTurbo just got his cherry picker down to Laramie so i'll be pulling the 3.1/manual trans out of the CS so i can do the work to the tranny, then i'll be swapping a '89 2.5 Turbo I engine into my GTS from iTurbo's Shadow ES (it'll be intercooled too). it's going to be a busy week - hopefully the weather doesn't suck. my GTSs stock 2.2 Turbo II engine still needs to be freshened up before installation - kinda like my TGP engine. so hopefully by the end of the week i'll have 1 *maybe* two cars that are driveable....... joshua Quote
MaroonRegal Posted October 13, 2003 Report Posted October 13, 2003 Feel like you're talking to the wind? Quote
Guest TurboSedan Posted October 13, 2003 Report Posted October 13, 2003 oh yeah :oops: maybe someday someone out there will actually use the search function and get some info from this. well blah blah blah.... joshua Quote
Guest TurboSedan Posted October 13, 2003 Report Posted October 13, 2003 i pulled the engine & tranny today, separated the two and found severe carnage in the bellhousing! chunks of aluminum everywhere & showing internal gears. the shift fork/TO bearing & clutch seem to be fine tho. tomarrow i am going to see if i can get a place here in town to R&R the clutch fork. they told me it would be $30, but if the clutch fork end bearings aren't reusable than i'm stuck buying a clutch fork kit for $70 :? i also bought new axle seals today ($10), and still gotta buy 2 quarts of GM syncromesh tomarrow ($20). oh yeah and i'm getting a new TO bearing ....this $160 tranny is getting more & more expensive....oh well i made alot of progress. joshua Quote
Guest TurboSedan Posted October 21, 2003 Report Posted October 21, 2003 ok WTF???? my $160 Getrag 282 needed a new clutch fork shaft (the shaft the slave cylinder pushes on and presses on the throwout bearing). at the time i was planning on just reusing my old shaft & bearings. NOPE, it needed a completely new clutch fork shaft (bearings dug in a little) & is available thru CarQuest for $70. so both shaft end bearings are mounted in the bellhousing itself; the lower clutch fork shaft rides on what looks like needle bearings in a 5/8" diameter hole in a bearing race (blind hole). he said the lower shaft bearing was ok and recommended reusing this since GM wants $55/each. fwiw, he said the TO bearing was fine too as long as i get a new clutch kit soon (going in w/TGP engine hopefully in the spring...... it's starting to seem like that will never happen here is the big BUTT: GM has apparantly discontinued the upper shaft bearing! (and probably the lower bearing too). this can mean a few things: 1. i'm screwed and need another W-body Getrag 282. 2. any Getrag 282 that needs a clutch fork/shaft is UNUSEABLE. FUCK! - i'm still screwed! 3. the bearing is available somewhere somehow from someone else..... or the GM dealership here has no idea what i'm trying to order. which would be awesome; but from all the info i've come up with there is NO clutch fork shaft bearings available so if i can't get these shaft bearings i'm going back to the yard that sold me the $160 tranny. they are really nice there and we (iTurbo & myself) have spent alot of money out there before anyway. the trans had a 60-day warranty and it's obvious i haven't used it. i'll just have to explain i simply can't use this tranny i guess. i'm REALLY hoping that they'll trade me a Getrag 282 from another '88 Grand Prix they have out there (it's from another '88 GP). they told me it was a known good tranny but it's got about 30,000 more miles than what the other trans i have now has. still, a Getrag 282 w/13x,xxx miles should last awhile. fwiw, the W-body '88 Getrag 282 i got earlier was already pulled from a 110,xxx mile '88 Grand Prix & was stored in a school bus. hopefully i can check fluid on this other '88 Grand Prix Getrag 282, check to see what the clutch feels like, and maybe row thru the gears at least. i'll be pulling the 2.8 MAF engine out so i'll see the bellousing area for any possible damage here. and if anyone knows how/where i can get the clutch fork shaft bearing please let me know!! this is the biggest pain in the ass ever right now. i deliver pizza so it's been practically impossible to make any money to fix these car (yup, still trying to get the GTS Turbo on the road thanks in advance any info anyone can give..... joshua Quote
Guest TurboSedan Posted October 21, 2003 Report Posted October 21, 2003 change of plans! i'm swapping my entire bellhousing out from my bad trans and putting it on the new trans. no clutch fork to swap out or TO bearing sleeve to worry about.joshua ok so i'm quoting myself here (pissing in the wind), but i found out this will NOT work either since the bearings i need are in the bellhousing, and my bellhousing is FUBAR joshua Quote
PaPaPooh Posted October 21, 2003 Report Posted October 21, 2003 joshua, let me talk to my instructor tonight in class to see if he knows of a company that might have the bearings Quote
PaPaPooh Posted October 21, 2003 Report Posted October 21, 2003 ok i found this but it says the 88 gp came with a 4 speed! i looked up a couple others 89 gp 2.8 says 4 speed looked up 3.1 it says 4 speed i also looked up 89 cutty 2.8 it said 4speed and izuzu 5 speed with 2 choices on the izuzu 5 speeds but i will ask my instructor about it Quote
Guest TurboSedan Posted October 23, 2003 Report Posted October 23, 2003 there is an Isuzu 282, which went on non HO Quad-4 motors. these should be avoided of course since they are weaker than the Getrag/Muncie version of the 282 (aka 5TM40). if you get a 282 from a HO Quad-4, it WILL be a Getrag/Muncie 282 (not the Isuzu version). it is better geared than the W-body Getrag 282 (not as steep), BUT you need to swap the Quad-4 bellhousing out for the 60' V6 version obviously. i found the bearings i needed after getting a local shop & the local GM dealership to work together to find out exactly what i need. my tranny needs a new clutch fork shaft which is about $115 and apparantly only available from GM (mine has grooves in it from bad end needle bearings). i tried to get a clutch fork shaft from CarQuest here and it was totally wrong. NAPA was no help; neither was Checker or Advance. the GM clutch fork shaft end bearings are about $55/each and the ONLY place i could find the bearings and clutch fork shaft was the GM dealership. i'll try to post prices & part #'s tomarrow.... what a PITA! joshua Quote
PaPaPooh Posted October 23, 2003 Report Posted October 23, 2003 well damn i didn't see this but you got a pm about the bearings :oops: Quote
Guest TurboSedan Posted October 23, 2003 Report Posted October 23, 2003 well damn i didn't see this but you got a pm about the bearings :oops: actually thanks for the info in the PM - i might need those contact #'s someday. the part # for the bearing i got is #867-2414 and is the same for both ends of the clutch fork shaft (fwiw the bearings are made in France). i ordered a new clutch fork shaft from GM today (gets here tomarrow), but i might not be able to pick it up 'till a little later.....i'll post the part # for that too when i get it. then it's about $35 for labor and time to put the Getrag 282 back on the 3.1........ thanks joshua Quote
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