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Buck's OMFG trip thread... coolant issues... Oil?

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So my car is having a hard time keeping cool.


Coolant flush and new thermostat about 10,000 ago


I took the radiator cap off this morning to find a gooey chunky mess, and my oil was at the bottom of the crosshatch part of the dipstick.




Safe to drive?


Any signs while driving that coolant is getting into oil?

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i suggested going to a car parts store, see if you can borrow some tools, take the tstat and "breaking it" so it stays open. buy an extra radiator cap and remove the lower seal from your current one so you will run a no pressure coolant system which will prevent coolant from getting into the oil or where ever under pressure. you will have to keep checking, and top things off as needed.


since you are in a HOT area, you should get plenty of water and some antifreeze in case you have to top it off, or if you break down...





p.s. watch for both fluid loss from the oil and tranny, either can leak into the cooling system.



it is critical that coolant not get into the engine or tranny, if either leaks fluid into the cooling system, it will do less damage.


I got here fine. Engine temp was over the middle dash ALL DAY..... Until right on the coast when the ambient temp dropped to about 65.


God it's SO annoying atching it creep up and up and up and up....






So what gasket is it?


worries me that it is the head gasket...


but has more oil creeped into the coolant?


I'm not sure... let me go check the cap. This is so retarded!


Well, the cap wasn't terrible, and the coolant is still 'orange' when you shine a flashlight through it, BUT there is a nice thick layer of sludge coating the inside neck of the radiator, and presumably the rest of the cooling system......


so...just me thinking aloud, but would anyone recommend adding more water to the system for more cooling power (temporarily just to keep the temps as low as possible on the return trip?)


no. yes.. wait, what??? adding more water makes the coolant cool more?!?!?????? :lol:


seriously, if you add more fluid, you should put in the proper coolant mixture.



Buck, just keep cleaning the neck out and maybe the leak might not be a major issue? if you hadn't checked the cap in a long time, it might just be oily sludge from the last 10,000 miles.


Well I was just thinking that because water cools more than coolant, maybe he could fill whatever he has lost with straight water in an attempt to keep temps as low as possible. :dunno:


Well I was just thinking that because water cools more than coolant, maybe he could fill whatever he has lost with straight water in an attempt to keep temps as low as possible. :dunno:

it may... with bad side affects


More water = higher probability of the mixture boiling = steam/more pressure. This is what I've been told in the past.


Does the engine smell like its a burning coolant smell or something... plus is your fan even coming on?


Well I was just thinking that because water cools more than coolant, maybe he could fill whatever he has lost with straight water in an attempt to keep temps as low as possible. :dunno:


I haven't lost anything


Does the engine smell like its a burning coolant smell or something... plus is your fan even coming on?


Fans do come on, I'm sure they're tired after yesterday, temp was over halfway mark for almost the whole trip which means the fans *should've* been on. For like at least 8 hours straight :lol:


No burning smells. Except of brake pads coming down the mountain, but I think that was just the general smell of the area, not so much me.


If you can make it to Veg-ass on the way home we'll flush your coolant and change your oil :3:


If you can make it to Veg-ass on the way home we'll flush your coolant and change your oil :3:


We went through Vegas!!! :buddy:


And you didn't tell me? D:




My mom is way gay about stopping for reasons other than hers. D:


<3 Maybe if I have issues on the way there. Whereabouts do you live?


How gay.


I'm northwest of Veg-ass, I-95 and Durango, pretty much the last exit out of town lol.

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