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Nuts to me - shudder in 4t60E trans

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Hey all,


I was on here a while back replacing the fuel pump in my 1995 Monte Carlo 3100. Now it seems I have other troubles.


I noticed some minor slipping in all gears from a standstill and had a fairly bad shudder in OD that would increase with speed. I dropped the pan last week and changed out the fluid and filter (looked okay - not brown, black, or burnt orange). Now, it does seem better, but I still have the shudder in OD (I can manually downshift to "Drive" and the shudder goes away). Since I didn't flush out the torque convertor, I plan to drop the pan once more and refill with clean fluid within the next week or so.


The question is - has anyone had good results with TransX anti-slip additive? I've heard good reports, but was curious if anyone had it "fix" their 4t60E transmission (especially an OD shudder problem). On the other hand, has anyone experienced an OD shudder and had their transmission drop out of the car 500 miles later? Oooooo, the pain that would wreak on my bank account :shock:


I have a trip planned (about 350 miles total) several weeks from now and don't want to be stranded. Any other possibilities for this problem (vacuum, etc.) are welcome.






I put some TransX in the last time I dropped the pan. Seems to be working great, no problems, and it gets driven fairly hard. The fluid was changed like 5-7K ago.




Hey robby1870,


That's good to know - I'm hoping it will be a cure-all, but I realize a "mechanic in a bottle" is hard to come by. From what I've read, though, TransX is good stuff and can work miracles.


Was your transmission giving you similar trouble, or did you use it as a preventative measure?






I did it just as preventative measure. It had like 85K on it, prolly the original fluid too, so I figured what they hey. Its supposed to recondition seals and stuff like that.




When my car was shuddering in OD, I performed a fuel injector service. It's not the stuff in the bottle, it's an actual service where the mechanic hooks up the cleaner to the fuel rail and runs the car off of this special detergent. It does wonders. I don't know how much it would be, because my dad has a garage and we do all our own work, but see if you can find it, you'd be amazed.


My car does that to, and I think the valves are going bad. I'm going to get a valve job done in a month or so.


Hey all,


Thanks for your replys! I may try a can of GM "Top Engine Cleaner" along with the TransX and kill two birds with one stone.


Thanks again,




How many miles/km are on your vehicle? Also, I'd recommend cracking the transmission filter open when you're done with your tranny flush change. If you find any particles or debris in your fitler then that's a very bad sign.


Hey all,


I was on here a while back replacing the fuel pump in my 1995 Monte Carlo 3100. Now it seems I have other troubles.


I noticed some minor slipping in all gears from a standstill and had a fairly bad shudder in OD that would increase with speed. I dropped the pan last week and changed out the fluid and filter (looked okay - not brown, black, or burnt orange). Now, it does seem better, but I still have the shudder in OD (I can manually downshift to "Drive" and the shudder goes away). Since I didn't flush out the torque convertor, I plan to drop the pan once more and refill with clean fluid within the next week or so.


The question is - has anyone had good results with TransX anti-slip additive? I've heard good reports, but was curious if anyone had it "fix" their 4t60E transmission (especially an OD shudder problem). On the other hand, has anyone experienced an OD shudder and had their transmission drop out of the car 500 miles later? Oooooo, the pain that would wreak on my bank account :shock:


I have a trip planned (about 350 miles total) several weeks from now and don't want to be stranded. Any other possibilities for this problem (vacuum, etc.) are welcome.





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