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Final outcome of the accident


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As some of you may recall, I had a wee bit of a fender bender on the expressway a couple months ago. Well I just got done finalizing the settlement on the total loss of the GTP. It was a pretty messy roller coaster ride to the end, so I've provided a timeline of the ordeal below.



4/9 - I get into an accident on my way to work as described here. I called in the accident to the insurance company, and was told an adjuster would get back to me shortly. The adjuster called and told me they'd send an inspector out to assess if the car is worth repairing. She informed me that they would try, but chances are they couldn't get anyone out Friday to look at the car since it was Good Friday, and they were only working till 11:00 AM.


4/10 - The inspector calls me to inform me that she can't get out to see the car till Monday.


4/13 - The inspector calls me to inform me she's looked at the car, and it will be a total loss. The car is valued at $6,050 according to NADA, and she assessed the repairs to be $6,700. I was also informed that under Illinois state law, you can't buy back a totaled car that's 9 years or newer. She tells me that she will talk to the salvage yard to find out what they'll give the insurance company for it (not sure why that would matter since I was told I can't keep the car), and will get back to me with her offer for the car. At this point, I'm at a total loss as to what I'm going to do. I'm renting a car out of my pocket, and have 0 time to go looking for a new car, not to mention I won't be left with jack for money to buy another one with.


4/14 - I call the inspector's manager to tell him about my dissatisfaction with the decision, and how I've been having anxiety attacks since being told I wasn't going to be able to keep the car on top of all this. I told him my car's being valued too low, and the repairs are estimated WAY too high, and we haven't discussed cheaper alternatives. None OEM parts, used parts, or even taking off some of the repairs, like the wheels and front bumper, so we could get it under the total loss marker. He tells me to let him familiarize himself with my case, and he'd get back to me.


4/14 - Later that day, the inspector calls me back rather than the manager, and informs me that I WILL be able to "retain" the car. She also goes over the numbers with me for their offer on the car. If I decided to keep the car, I would be left with $3,600. I told her I'd have to think over what I was going to do. The break down of the numbers she gave me is below. It wasn't until I sat down a day or two later and wrote out the numbers that I realized somewhere along the way, $500 magically disappeared in her math.


$6,050.00 starting value

- $959.49 prior damage/conditioning

- $500.00 for ???

- $100.00 my deductible

$4,490.51 total without car

- $900.00 to retain the car

$3,590.51 total with car


4/14 - I ask Haggerty Pontiac (where the car has been sitting since the accident) if they could at least inspect the car for suspension damage for me to see if it would be safe to drive away. I was 99% sure it was fine, but I wanted to be positive. They inform me it will be $150 to do such an inspection, so I hesitate on letting them do it. That evening, I decided I was going to throw on some spare wheels I had laying around the next day, and try to drive it home to at least get it off the dealer's lot, where storage charges were being assessed daily. I was told several times I wouldn't be responsible for those, but again, I didn't want to take a chance, and I had no idea how much longer this was going to go on. Not to mention, I wasn't about to continue renting a car for another few weeks if I could help it.


4/15 - I take everything with me that I will need to swap out the wheels after work. Upon removing the wheels, I couldn't see anything bent or broken on the suspension. I would have to wait till the next night to attempt to drive it home since I had no way of getting the rental car and the GTP home that night. I also signed the form releasing the dealership from any responsibility if anything happens after the car leaves the lot since I wasn't heeding their warning that the car is dangerous to drive (which wasn't based on anything since the car wasn't inspected).


4/16 - I drop off the rental car, and get a ride to work. After work, I walked over to Haggerty Pontiac (it's right next door to the strip mall I work in), and cautiously drove the car off. Everything felt fine except that it was pulling to the left significantly. I was confident enough to drive it from there on out, which afforded me the ability to take my time with the settlement. I've had the frame and suspension thoroughly checked in the air 3 times since then, and everything actually looks solid. The pulling is either due to the alignment being thrown out of whack, or the ancient, unevenly worn tires I put on.




I won't bore you with any further details about everything that transpired from this point on, but it involved me putting together a strong case for why the starting value of the car is too low in my opinion, and them sticking to the "we have to go off of NADA" company line. After pleading my case, this is the best the inspector could offer me:


$6,050.00 starting value

- $759.49 prior damage/conditioning

- $100.00 my deductible

$5,290.51 total without car

- $700.00 to retain the car

$4,490.51 total with car


From that point on, I had to go through the manager since the inspector told me she can't give anything more than that. I again plead my case to him, and he told me they were already giving me a more than fair amount considering what their research says the value of this car is. He offered another $200 ($4,700 total) just so "we can end this", and I told him I'd think it over again. Last Friday, I called him again and put the final offer on the table. I had a towing bill of $174 that they were responsible for reimbursing. I asked with that included, would he do an even $5,000. After reviewing my case and thinking it over a few minutes, he called back and said fine, we can do that. And so, I got my 2 checks totaling $5k Saturday, and I got to keep the car. :mrgreen:


So the accident kind of turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I wasn't hurt, the car is pretty easily repairable for fairly cheap, and I'll have a decent chunk of change left over, even after I get the repairs taken care of. I already found a nearly mint rear black door with everything in tact (pwr window regulator, glass, door panel, etc) the Saturday after I got the car home.......for $75!!! Now to get to work on the little bastard. *cracks his knuckles*

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What a piece of good news that is. That car way too nice and damaged way too little to be scrapped. Seems like all insurance wants to do is total a car nowadays.


It must've felt like a major burden was been lifted off your shoulders getting that done and keeping the car.

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Thanks, everybody. Yes, it's a HUGE relief to be able to put this behind me. Now I just gotta find some time, and a means to get some doors, fenders and a bumper cover back home. There's a guy on craigslist parting out a black '01 Special Edition GT who has everything I need, and fairly cheap. But I've had so much going on the last few weekends, plus no one I know with a truck has been available to go get the stuff.


I did a quick write-up/explanation of how I handled the insurance company, at the request of several ClubGPers.






What kinda arguments did you use to get the value up? Was it strictly because of it being a special edition?


That was part of it, but far from being strictly the argument. Here are the notes and points I had typed up for myself to keep everything organized (yes, I'm that big of a nerd).



Starting price too low:


· NADA does not allow for selecting the Special Edition package, or any options besides leather and sunroof, even though there were quite a few more.

· NADA says the 1990 Grand Prix McLaren Turbo is worth $9k, no matter how many miles you put in.

· NADA is usually higher than KBB, yet KBB lists the car at $6,975.

· KBB allows you to select Special Edition package, premium sound, etc.

· On craigslist.com:

2000 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP Daytona Edition 55k miles: $10k

· Club GP (members who are enthusiasts, & KNOW about the cars, & their values):

2001 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP Special Edition Coupe 83k miles: $9k.



Too much deducted from value:


· $960 deducted for previous damage, including ordering new molding from the dealer at an exorbitant rate, is too much. This can be purchased for $5 or $10 from a local junkyard easily.

· The rest of the car was in excellent condition aside from the previous passenger side damage. All other damage or blemishes were caused by this accident.



Problems with the way xxxxxx has handled the claim:


· Called in the accident Thursday, was informed Friday that no one could come out till Monday. On Monday, was informed by xxxxxx that the car will be totaled, and she’d get back to me either Tuesday or Wednesday with the value of the car, after talking to the salvage yard. Why would she need to talk to the salvage yard if, at that time, I was told I can’t legally buy back the car? What bearing would what they say have on the price she’s going to give me?

· Took the car to 2 shops over the weekend, and got generous estimates (IF the front door needs a door skin) of under $6k and $5k. When I told them the insurance adjuster estimated repairs at $6,700, one asked what she’s smoking, and the other asked if she’s new at this. Even the dealer said the repairs would probably be close to $6k, and they’re usually way overpriced!

· She has dismissed everything I’ve said (repairs I just did, market value of car, price KBB lists for car, etc) by either ignoring them, or giving rebuttals that have nothing to do with refuting the point I made.

· This whole fiasco is the direct result of her totaling the car because she placed the value of the car too low, and estimated the cost of the repairs too high. None of this should have happened in the first place.

· I have asked her to fax me a copy of her estimates for both the repairs, and the prior damage/conditioning of my car to see where she was getting these figures from. Both times, she said she was going to, but never asked, or took down my fax number.




I was trying to establish several things. First, NADA is unreliable, and not an accurate gauge of car values. I flat out asked her if she'd give me $9k for my TGP if it got totaled since they "have to go off of NADA", to which she had no legitimate response. I also tried to establish real world market value for similar cars. Now granted some of these were exaggerated examples that aren't an accurate reflection of real world value, it doesn't matter. Use them towards your advantage, just as the insurance company is trying to lowball you to the extreme in the opposite direction. Between those examples, and what KBB shows as a value, I made a pretty solid sounding case for myself. I then spoke with the manager, and introduced what I wanted out of this:


$6,960.00 starting value

- $760.00 prior damage/conditioning

- $100.00 my deductible

$6,100.00 total without car

- $700.00 to retain the car

$5,400.00 total with car


Of course, I knew there was no way they were going to give me that, as it was almost another $1k over their last offer, but that was the point. Think of it like this. They're trying to buy your car off of you. You're the dealer, and they're the buyer, and just as dealers usually do, you start the price too high, so that even if you come down significantly, you're still getting either a fair amount, or a hair too much for the car. I was able to get another $510 out of the deal by asking for $1k more, and it didn't come all at once. The manager first said the best he could do was another $200, bringing their total offer to $4,690. Only when I made the last phone call and said we can end this right now for an even $5k did they finally give in and say OK, to hell with it.


I few other pointers. Be sure you can back up everything you say. Nothing I mentioned was made up, and I actually had printed out proof, from the NADA value of the TGP, to the KBB value of the GTP, to what similar cars are listed for on craigslist, eBay, autotrader, cars.com, and even on this site. Lastly, be patient, and persistent. They're not going to give in easy. It's their job to save the company as much money as possible, so be prepared for this to take a while if you want to push it. I was told they can't give a penny more on SEVERAL occasions, or that the only way to try for a higher dollar amount would be to go through arbitration, where each one of us would get our own appraisers (which would cost you and me around $300), etc. They also told me it's IL state law that they have to go off NADA, which is a crock. That's just there to set a minimum, or guideline, not to set a figure in stone. So despite anything they say, hang in there and give them hell. They're going to play hardball, so you've got to be just as stubborn as them. They WILL get fed up and give in eventually.

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You're Such A Jerk D.


J/J Nice Job


Hey, SOMEone has to stick it to the man once in a while!




D, is the Special Edition the black one we were talking about? There's another one I saw a few days ago, but was white I think.


Yeah, this was the same SE that got raped by those guys on TCG. I didn't see the white one. Hopefully, he still has all the body panels left.

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D, is the Special Edition the black one we were talking about? There's another one I saw a few days ago, but was white I think.


Yeah, this was the same SE that got raped by those guys on TCG. I didn't see the white one. Hopefully, he still has all the body panels left.


Ah ok, gotcha. I got all excited when I saw the white one posted, the doors were priced around the same as the door you have already, like $80-100? I was going to pm you or something with the link, but the bottom of the page was the only place where he mentioned the car was white :lol:


So I didn't bother

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Its good to know that at least somewhere the insurance agencies can have some sense talked into them! Its not always as simple as they try to make it! Good Job!

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