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looking for some good mufflers for 3800

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well my passeneger muffler rotted away and now sounds like ass, so i'm now looking for some good aftermarket mufflers that might make it sound better then stock. I've never really heard a 3800 with any aftermarket mufflers so i'm not sure exactly what to get. what do you think sounds best for a 3800?


stock is best, aftermarket sound like ass on 3800s IMO unless they are cammed


I put a magnaflow XL on my L67 PA and it sounds like the factory one, but it's stainless. It was really the only option I had.


stock is best, aftermarket sound like ass on 3800s IMO unless they are cammed


x2, REALLY hard to make 3800 sound good.


stock is best, aftermarket sound like ass on 3800s IMO unless they are cammed


x2, REALLY hard to make 3800 sound good.


I will have to x3 that... stock is best


stock is best, aftermarket sound like ass on 3800s IMO unless they are cammed


x2, REALLY hard to make 3800 sound good.


I will have to x3 that... stock is best


go turbo and get an exhaust cutout! i like it lots!


so in turn only non stockish muffler id go with is a turbo... the best "muffler" ever made


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