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Pics of my trans internals for those that wanted them......

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I forgot to take more pics....but these are waht I took.





This is looking from the drivers side looking down the cavity, the piece that goes behind the motor along the subframe, where all the clutchpacks, apply bands, and hard parts are stacked.


The jagged piece at the bottom is the parking pawl.





4th gear clutches and hub install








New Chain and my dirty shoes











Chain hidden by plate.







The valve body is sandwiched between the chain cover plate and on top of it is the pump housing.


The jagged piece on bottom left is the gear selector. It moves a valve in the valve body which directs the fluid to who knows where..... :willynilly: I understand how the hard parts move and work now, but the fluid and electrical stuff i'm still :thinking: about....




That tiny piece of metal holds a car in place in park... Crazy


Thanks for the pics... very interesting


the bottom of that part, is where the diff would be....aka, the passenger side.


The clutchpacks for the gears are stacked, 1st at the bottom to 4th at the top....if that makes sense.


I would go read your other thread, but I'm lazy....did you do the 3.73 FDR swap with this or is it just a full rebuild?


just a full rebuild.


I wanted to keep my stock FDR, it gets 30 mpg, i'm not going for quickness w/a stock 3100. I'll do motor work if I want taht


How much $$$ have you spent on just the rebuild? What all did you have to replace?


on the trans alone....~$500


That's not bad. If you had paid someone to do it it would have been $1500+, although you would have had your car back a lot quicker. However, the knowledge gained from doing this yourself is totally worth it.


What methods did you use to clean everything? And, did you use any specialized tools similar to the "L" trannys? Like any different clutch compressors and whatnot?


no special tools....just crafty hands...and ingenuity. used a few snap ring pliers....that's about it.


looks good mang, any pics of the internals before you installed the 4th gear hub?

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