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Im impressed with these stockers

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is it just me or do the stock speakers in these things sound pretty damn good? I swapped out my deck today and I dont think I even want to install the audiobahn 6x9s I got sitting around.


Stock isnt bad, but its not good either. Put a good set of speakers in, and youll me amazed at the difference.


with the stock deck or aftermarket?


they sound great if everything is all original and the car was owned by some old lady who never blasted the system. when I got my red TGP the stock system was/is still in really good shape even though the paper cones are 20 years old and the car has 100k miles on it.


I don't think audiobahn speakers will even fit in the factory pods in the back. the magnets are always massive on that brand and you may end up having to cut a 1/4" to 1/2" baffle for them to clear. and get an aftermarket deck because I think stock is more ohms or something.


I put in a pioneer deck i had, I was mainly talking about the stock speakers sounding great! Ill test fir the audiobahns when I get some time. i had to build a fiberglass enclosure to fit them in my last car.


Ive found that more often then not factory speakers sound better off on a aftermarket deck than aftermarket speakers do. As long as the speakers are still in good shape of course. Aftermarket speakers are usually rated for 40w or more where as most aftermarket radios only put out around 20w per speakers so they are getting underpowered. Once you amp a good set of aftermarkets THEN you get a huge differance. And yea your probably gonna have a tough time getting those Audioburns in the back deck.


Speakers rated for 40w lets say that are being powered by a 20w amp are in no means being under powered. If you are not playing them loud, then they are still only being powered by around 5 watts. They become under powered only once you drive your amp into clipping. It is possible that the sensitivity is higher on the stockers, which is why they may sound better, as it takes less power to produce the same level of sound.


I have found the stock speakers with an amp sound really good for the price. (free) I still have stock in the Lumina with just a cheap amp and a nice head unit.

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