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This is my car....


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Damm 1323 posts RedFox is my new hero.


Cool... I've got a fan club now? Excellent!


Redfox, what else do you do? Shit I an retired and don't have that kind of time. Mayby I need to type faster, or mayby think faster.


I'm a full time college student.

Currently a junior in the Mechanical Engineering department @ Colorado State University.

Cars / automotive topics has always been a hobby of mine.

I help out on what I can... that's mainly the reason for so many posts. Sorry. :(


If 200 is the number to bump you up to the next level whats the next one RedFox?


I believe you become a Senior Memeber @ 200 posts.

When I broke 1000 posts, I was considered a complete geek.

But, I already knew that... 8)


- Erik

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