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Rear Brake Conversion done finally


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ok, so i got the rear brake swap done to the larger (94+) disks. It is awesome. the only thing i am leary about is doing the fronts, cuz right now i have a perfect 50/50 brake distribution. before the conversion i would jam on the brakes and the front would lock up first, then right as i was coming to a stop the rears would finally lock up, now, when i hit the breaks, all 4 lock up at the same time, and at much lower speeds. Basicly, if i was going 40mph before with my old brakes, i would jam on them and the fronts would lock up right away and the rears at about 10 mhp or so (i guess), now when i hit the bvreaks hard, they all lock up at about 15mph, but the car just stops.


if i do the front, im worried that i will have the fronts locking up before the rears again, but i know i will have much easier stopping.


any thaughts on this???


- Justin

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Better to have the fronts lock up before the rears in my opinion, it will be sort of like an ABS in that it will keep you going straight. As soon as your rears lock, it increases the probability that your rear will swing out and send you into a spin.

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A) Used my old snow/studded tires for the test.


B) wity my driving style, i would rather have all 4 lock up at the same time, i know that the front locking up before the rears locking up is a safety thing, but i definately prefer all 4. With the way i drive when racing and whatnot, i have alittle more manipulation over the car when i can tap the breaks and lock the rears just enough to throw me around acorner smoothly.


but thats just me...


Im known in parker for my driving ability and unique driving style - lol - i would like to keep that rep.


- Justin

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one more thing....


the instructions on this site are kinda vauge about how to do the front... anyone have any other insight on the front brake conversion and what to look for and what to avoid and what not???


the main reasoning for doing the front for me right now is cuz both of my front bearing are completely shot. I have this wonderful grinding noise and when the car is in the air, i can move the wheels almost an inch and a half on one and an inch on the other either directions... its pretty bad. I also get A LOT of slop on the freeway at high speed due to this.




- Justin

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Did you use new parts for the conversion? If so...you wouldn't happen to have the part #s for the rear calipers and brackets would you? I can't find them anywhere...and nobody responded to the thread I started :oops:

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any thoughts on this???


Make sure to find a 1994+ spare tire.

The pre-1994 rim will hit and NOT bolt on to your hub.

Something someone found out at the wrong time. :shock:


- Erik

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Did you use new parts for the conversion? If so...you wouldn't happen to have the part #s for the rear calipers and brackets would you? I can't find them anywhere...and nobody responded to the thread I started :oops:


i'll look in the morning... i hurt too bad to go and see...


i was riding my bmx and i got in a fight with a rail and the ground, and they both won and kicked my ass, and i think i might need stitches, but that is besides the point...


- justin

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Did you use new parts for the conversion? If so...you wouldn't happen to have the part #s for the rear calipers and brackets would you? I can't find them anywhere...and nobody responded to the thread I started :oops:


i'll look in the morning... i hurt too bad to go and see...


i was riding my bmx and i got in a fight with a rail and the ground, and they both won and kicked my ass, and i think i might need stitches, but that is besides the point...

- justin



Sorry to hear about the fall. Did you ever get a chance to look and see if you could find those numbers?

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