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Random Startup problem

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OK the problem. I got into my car this morning and Turned the engine over it revs to 3 grand and then dies instantly. Do it agian and it tries to idle at 1000rpm but sounds like only half the engine is fireing. Sounds like a v8 idle at 500rpm. Some white smoke gomes out the exaust (burning oil i think) and then dies in a matter of seconds. I do this for a little bit and give it some gas forcing a 3 grand idle. I Put the car in gear and its fine. No miss, no stutter. nothing the car drives flawlessly. Plugs and wires are new only 2 months old along with new timing and belts. Freeflowing exaust and intake. The car can get ~30+mph on a highway at 72mph. The rest of the day it is completely normal. I have seen this happen maybe 3 times this summer. Its kinda random and rare.


i was wondering if it might be one of the coil packs, fuel injectors, or a sensor??? this is a 95 lumina 3.4dohc auto 150,000miles Any ideas?


Im going to college in springfeild so i drive 250 miles twice a week. I dont need to be stranded along the highway if something is about to die.


OK maybe its not so random now. it did it again today!.

its cooling off outside ~60 degrees out with rain. i wonder if that has anything to do with it?


Idling to 3 grand sounds like a vacuum leak to me. Thats the first thing that came to mind




If it was a Vacuum leak it would probably happen all the time though right? If it's only happening occasionally I would lean toward electrical but someone who knows what their talking about, preferably Erik or Ben about will step in right about now.


VacumeLeak. ok. thats a good possibility.. i was also wondering if it could be a bad temp sensor causing a choak..


i will look for a vacumeleak



the problem seemed to have fixed itself. it dosnt do it anymore. although it does have a relitivly high idal 1.5k after hitting the gas to go after on startup. like the engine is trying to warm up.. after warm engine runs great

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