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Still having issues... now have a vid, page 3


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I got her home tonight, didn't die on any corners so that's a plus!!


But I have a water issue of sorts :confused:

After running for a while water builds up in the spark plug holes. It is water, not coolant. The oil is golden yellow.

Where in the world could this water be coming from???

Here is what it looks like on the plug boot...



This water is getting less and less by the day, the first day it was built up on the cam carrier cover, then it was only up the length of the boot in 2 of the cylinders, now its only half way up the center cylinder. It has never been on the far right boot.


If you look down in the hole when the engine is hot you can see water boiling down there. It is crystal clear water. (my coolant is neon green prestone)


The oil on the dip stick is golden yellow. And here is what it looks like under the cam carrier cover.



I called my father on it and he thinks there might be water getting into the vacuum system, but how the hell would it get in the plug holes and not the crank case? bad O-ring seals on the bottom of the Cam carrier cover?



Another problem I am having is the car wants to die at WOT and only WOT. The elbow that connects to the front left of the cam carrier cover is broken, could this be leaking causing that? sounds like a vacuum leak to me. Tomorrow I am going to do plugs and wires on it (I haven't done them since I got the car, 4 years ago, so who knows how old they are)



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I should also mention, the head gaskets are felpro gaskets and will be 3 years old this July.

I don't know if the douche bag that did the gaskets used the supplied o-rings on the cam carrier covers, I will be replacing them tomorrow as well, I do have new ones here. I have my suspicions that they are not the felpro ones on the car, they are gray, felpro ones are a redish brown IIRC.



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So I got the car to school today... I wish I could say it was problem free... Along the way it did some stumbling and the as i was pulling into the parking spot it died and wouldn't restart. Now it fires right back up, no blown fuses... When the car stumbled it completely shuts off, doors all unlock stereo shuts off, then it all turned back on and kept going... Could this be a bad ground?? Jamie

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OK, I'm going to attack the grounds...


But where are they all??


The car ran fine almost all the way home

I have noticed that the only time it seems to be sputtering is when I hit a bump (loose connection/ground?)



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OK, I'm going to attack the grounds...


But where are they all??


The car ran fine almost all the way home

I have noticed that the only time it seems to be sputtering is when I hit a bump (loose connection/ground?)



seems more likely that it is your AUX post.


BUT... one of the areas with problem grounds was on my 94 CS. Several grounds attach to the steering column bracket with 4 or 5 layered on one bolt. if your car is this way... ground each wire on a separate bolt. my 95 did not have this, but on the 94, the bolt faced directly down.

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I took out the air box..

I cleaned up the AUX post and I have started cleaning up every ground connected to the body in sight. I'm now working on 2 that bolt on where the engine and trans meet...


Breaking for some lunch right now, I will check that column thing when I get back to work

Thanks Ken



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I have my suspicions that they are not the felpro ones on the car, they are gray, felpro ones are a redish brown IIRC.


Having JUST reassembled my motor with a felpro top end kit, I can tell you that the felpro o-rings are indeed gray.

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Take the battery out.


There are grounds underneath the crossover using the bellhousing bolts. Also, follow the grounds on the body next to the battery tray.


For the leak its the spark plug o-rings. Replace your valve cover gasket, that should take care of the issue.

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Take the battery out.


There are grounds underneath the crossover using the bellhousing bolts. Also, follow the grounds on the body next to the battery tray.


For the leak its the spark plug o-rings. Replace your valve cover gasket, that should take care of the issue.


Yeah, I got all those grounds, even cleaned up all the grounds on the upper rad support (then realized they were only for the head lights, lol)


Tomorrows line up is plugs and wires and I will do those valve cover gaskets while I am at it. Then its off to get an e-test.


After I got the grounds fixed I took it for a drive, its acting WAY better. It doesn't seem to know exactly where to idle and surges a tiny bit... IAC is new. I got it up to WOT a few times problem free, but then the last time I tried it, it was at WOT for a couple seconds then sounded like it was misfiring.


I'm wondering if I also have another vacuum leak somewhere.... damn I hate tracking those down...



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Idle relearn?


I will do that when I get the rest of my issues sorted out... no sense in doing it if I'm going to be unplugging the battery every day.



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actually finding a vacuum leak is easy, provided you have the equipment necessary: handheld propane torch...... just don't light it, crank the valve open enough and start moving it around anything that uses vacuum, if theres a leak, that will find it. the starting fluid method sucks.

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actually finding a vacuum leak is easy, provided you have the equipment necessary: handheld propane torch...... just don't light it, crank the valve open enough and start moving it around anything that uses vacuum, if theres a leak, that will find it. the starting fluid method sucks.


But with the LQ1 there are vacuum lines that are tucked between the engine and firewall and beneath the upper intake manifold. It's hard getting a handheld propane torch to those.

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Just went and passed the e-test! passed with flying colors...


First time that this car has passed the e-test on the first go since I bought it



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Dead again!!!


Again, IGN SW1 fuse blew!!

I'm getting sick of this...


I need to know what is on that circuit...

Matt, Jeff and I were just standing around trying to figure out what it is and we came to the idea that it might be blowing when the cooling fans come on...

The only time this fuse blow is when the car is hot, its never done it cold. When it usually happens is when I have been driving the car, shut it off and start it back up, on that restart the fuse blows, it has blown while driving, but only at slow speeds.


If someone has a full wiring diagram and they can find out what is on that IGN SW1 circuit it would be greatly appreciated!





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Jamie - is or was there an alarm in the car?


No, never

I had subs installed, but all the wiring for them has been pulled, and that power cable just ran off the AUX post


robertisaar, I will take a closer look at that diagram after dinner,m it certainly looks like it should be the one but I don't see the two 40A fuses




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I replaced the whole column with one out of a friend 96 GP SE, he never had any problems with it.


And if it was a faulty ignition switch, wouldn't it only happen at start up? This problem has happened while driving at slow speeds...



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the 40A fuse for ign sw1 is right at the top, under "VIN X SFI"


and i'm sure you'll need more, but in which direction. don't want to make a whole bunch of pdfs for nothing if you find something along the way

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