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How do I change the dogbones


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I want to change the rubber fittings in my dogbones because they r coming out of their place in the bone, If I just undo them will the engine fall or move??? I know all about tilting the engine and have done that but I just want to make sure before I do anything :) So my plan is to just undo them like in the tilting but take them all the way off am I on the right track???? Any help would be great Thanx :D

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No, if you remove the dogbones only, the engine won't go anywhere.

But, it's hard to locate just the rubber inserts for them.

Most likely you'll have to buy OEM full replacements or the FFP poly upgrade model.


- Erik

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But, it's hard to locate just the rubber inserts for them.


Um... like I said, it's possible, but difficult to locate.

If you need an instant fix buy a OEM, FFP, or (soon to be) DBP whole dogbone.


- Erik

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