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well i can but a new comp from harrys u-pull it for $4 but i just would hate to make the 2 hour trip there for nothing ....whats the highst crusing speed i would wanna go, like i usally keep it at 3500 rpms is that bad or can i go higher?


Had my old 93 Z34 do something similar to this. It would only give me 2nd and 3rd gear.


Turns out the VSS harness had a short in it, which caused the trans to go into "limp mode" because it didn't know how fast the car was going at any given time.


if you end up going to salvage yard go ahead and get the harness and sensor to save other trips later. if you are dealing with a short they can be very difficult to find and harness replacement would be the best route to go there. although i don't think either would make you loose first maybe od and on those year cars didn't they use a modulator valve, front side of tranny with vacum line attached from it to upper intake. just want to make sure an oversight isn't your problem. 90% of all problems can be determined visually.


UPDATE.... the tcc fuse blew and its all good now exept overdrive i dont have overdrive, any ideas?


UPDATE.... the tcc fuse blew and its all good now exept overdrive i dont have overdrive, any ideas?

have you tried restarting the car to see if overdrive then returns? I've had to do that before...


basically... turn car off. re-start. see if it still lacks overdrive.


there is an "overheat" limp mode where the PCM locks itself out of overdrive, and torque converter clutch lock-up. this has happened several time in my 95 CS, and it is discovered to simply not up-shift with no further explanation. I had simply turned the car off and then turned the key on while rolling (fast enough I don't even need to re-start), this rests the PCM and allows Overdrive and TCC functioning.



I advise everyone to add an external transmission cooler, as adding one has virtually stopped all the issues that the 95 has had.


Crazy K is absolutely right about the cooler. lots of od trannies share this same problem, i had an older, well a 90 GTA that overheated the tranny and lost od for about 100 miles!!! but i still think it is electrical.


i have tried that and still no good, the car now has first second and third and it shifts on its own, just no overdrive.


okay well i figured out what was wrong, the cruse controll fuse was blown...who would of known


okay well i figured out what was wrong, the cruse controll fuse was blown...who would of known



well i knew about the cruise control fuse cause i took that one out to put in the tcc, BUT i had no idea that had anything to do with OD

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