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Anyone Rebuilt 282 Axles Before?

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Well which sucks both outer axle boots are torn on both axles.. I dont plan on using them like this in my TGP so i just ordered 2 inner and 2 outer boot kits to rebuilt my axles.. Its getting hard to find these things without putting a hole in your walet.. So Just wondering who has rebuilt them and what to look for..


I had one that needs rebuilt.


I plan to cheat. I will be dismantling another uneeded axle and swapping it's ends onto my bad 282 shaft, grease and all.


Unneeded axle as in a auto axle or manual axle? I want to fin the differences between them also cuz I have lots of auto ones


no i've never gotten any online. i always find them local....gotten them upsate ny and long island. i just look through the phone book in the auto parts section and call numbers till i find somethin


NAPA had lifetime warranty axles, I know Jeff was taking advantage of that with his 284 axle snapping TGP :lol:


well i am rebuilding them and i got all the parts in today to rebuild them the new boots, grease, and clamps.. Ill run these for now until i have problems with them.. ill check my napa first if cheap enough ill buy them for spare..


I think I paid $75 for a brand new axle for me Bonneville.


They are suprisingly cheap. Just as said above, call around the part stores and find one.


the carquest engine shop my tgp engine is being rebuilt at has both side for 75 each.. asked them if there is a waranty and he asked as in? i told im if they snap.. he told me no.. I raised hell in there stating a waranty is a waranty and if i bring them back in any period of time they should be covered and i can get new ones.. He didnt say much after that and i was done talking to him.. I left..


IM going to rebuild these and buy new/refurb ones for spares..

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