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Tranny question


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Ok, so now im confused. I dont know what tranny is in my car. I have read that if it is 93 and newer, then its 4T60E and 92 and lower is the 4T60/440T4. so i would assume my 92 is a 440T4/4T60. but now i read on this site that it is a 4T60E.


now when i added my air intake, that was fucking with my shifts. It wouldnt shift til way late, and i assume thats cuz with more air coming in, there is less vacume, which in turn fucks with a vacume controlled tranny, but how could my tranny have been acting up if its a 4T60E???


- Justin

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Well, you should first understand that VACUUM, will not effect your shift TIMING at all! Too much vacuum, or too little vacuum, will have no effect on what the engines RPMs are before up-shifting.


The Vacuum connection and modulator only determine shift FEEL...


If it is a 440-T4, it's controlled soley by the TV(Throttle Valve) Cable.


If it is a 4T60-E, it's controlled soley by the ECM.


Other than that, I don't really know why changing the air intake would effect shift points...?

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It's definitly the 4T60/TH440. But I actually enjoy having the TH440 in my lumina.......I've got a little more control over shift-points and RPMs. But yes, its a regular 4T60.



1990 Chevy Lumina

3.1 Liter V-6

Ride on White Lightning

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