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Power steering hose


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I am in the process of putting a new alt in my 1995 GTP and have to put a new Power steering hose (preasure hose) on too. I have the alt out now but i cant seem to break the line at the rack. Its a tight fit to get a wrench in because of the exhaust. I can get a wrench on it but it wont break lose. the rest of it will be easy to get it done if i can get this loose. any suggestion?


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I had the same problem when I was replacing the high pressure line on my 91 GP. I ended up taking a dremel and cutting the line right at the rack and putting a socket on the fitting instead. Busted it right loose.

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I had the same problem when I was replacing the high pressure line on my 91 GP. I ended up taking a dremel and cutting the line right at the rack and putting a socket on the fitting instead. Busted it right loose.



Hmmm... I think your idea is better than mine :cool:

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I've had to do this before, but one thing you might want to consider instead is use a pliers and crush the line, then bend it back anf forth until it breaks off, this will keep metal shavings out of your PS system. You could also crush a bigger area and cut through the crushed part and that will also keep shavings out of the system.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What kind of bremil disk did u use I dont have one and never used one. and wondering if i keep cap lose til i can get under it again next week can i releave cap and leave it so it doesnt leak and preform a vacum or does it need the cap tight. No one i no that works with them can answer that one.

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Does it mean driving it too? Its the preasure line as i cant get it loose at the rack Just need for her to drive it till next weekend or so til i get the other running


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I guess I'm confused on your question. You can't get the line off yet - so is the line bblown or just leaking a little bit?


I drove my Lumina 3 weeks without ANY fluid in the power steering system and it's fine to this day (new line and fluid). I doubt you'll hurt anything too badly driving it eiher leaking, or without fluid for a week. Leave the cap on.

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I have the presure line leaking when driven I tried to put a new one on when i put a new alt on but the connection at the rack wont come off so i just redid the line to the power steering pump its not broke just leaking alot when driven i seen that there was a vacum when going to check it (I dont drive it g/f does right now til her car is fixed my car) Just trying to see if i keep the cap loose for a week or so when she drives it will it still have the power steering and releave presure til i can get to it

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I don't think leaving the cap loose will relieve much in the way of pressure. I could be wrong, but I'm sure there will still be considerbale psi in the pressure line regardless if the cap is on of not.


If it is leaking just buy a jug of cheap ATF to top off with. Shouldn't be more than $10 or so for the cheapest money can buy lol.

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