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rough Idle wave


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Hey I thought I just ask this random question. I didn't know if any of ya'll had experienced this when stopped. The car (98 Lumina) has been running fine, but i notice something weird every time when I come to compelete stop at a red light. When the car comes to a stop i then feel a very rough idle that comes in a wave from what feels from the steering wheel to the cabin of the car. I don't know if maybe the engine is readjusting from the 1 - 1.5 rpms at 45mph and coming to a complete stop.


Has anyone has a similar situation, and not only that, but what the hell does it mean?


3100, at 72,000.

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does it happen when you have the defrost or a/c on?


No, nothing was on just radio and windows down.


im gonna take a wild guess and say IAC isn't reacting fast enough?


What happends if the IAC goes bad, i know that isn't a hard fix to replace but what could happend?

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I have this problem when the A/C is OFF!? Does this mean someting, because its been bothering me since i was 16 and dropped in the Jasper engine...and its never gone away no matter what i do...

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