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Apparently Common 04+ Prix Problem...

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Ok. When I got the car, this problem cropped up. Only happened in cold weather it seems.



The car seemed to hesitate, but very smoothly, as if a transmission slip in the middle of a gear range.


Situation: You are stopped, and go to accelerate regularly, lightly. Gets off of the line fine, but then engine seems to 'struggle'. You are on the throttle fairly lightly, but the car isn't going nearly as it should. Then it stays like that. the rpms will climb clear up to like 4K with the light throttle, not going anywhere. Then it shifts and acts regularly until you stop again.



It's SOO annoying.


The following is copied from a thread on ClubGP.


Poster #1: I just bought a 2005 Granx Prix GTP CompG with only 28k on it. The car runs and performs flawlessly, though every so often I will have an odd problem. Between 1000-2000 rpm's during light acceleration the car seems to be bogged down. The 1-2 shift will then come late, probably 1000 rpms after it should have for that throttle percentage and it will be harsh. This problem will be persistant until I restart the car. As soon as I restart, it is good to go. I have even restarted my car while driving and it fixed the issue. Doesn't matter if the car is hot or cold. It will be fine for days, and just start doing this out of no where. Restart, and then I'm good.







Poster #2: SAme thing w/ me! It won't happen when a pro needs to take it for a test drive though.lol






Poster #3: Happens on my '06 also. It's happened several times in the wet, popped the hood last time and found no arcing, I wonder if it's water getting in the computer somehow considering it's in the airbox.


I should mention that it didn't start until I had driven it, stopped and shut the engine off for a min. then started again. RPMs don't seem to fluctuate at idle, it just seems like the either the tranny is slipping or the engine is misfiring (where's the code if that's the case?)






Poster #4: happens to me as well. This issue along with the cold start ticking are mysteries.






Poster #2: I explained it to my dad who just retired from auto body have 35 years. He said it sounds like the PCM is telling the car it doesn't need to shift yet when it does. It seems to be worse when the temp is below 40 degree out. I'm guessing it might need to be reprogrammed? new PCM? Do our cars have any type of special chip?





Poster#5: Yes. I have this exact same problem and it drives me absolutely bonkers. It normally occurs in cold temps or when the battery voltage is low.


The solution invariably is to put the car in neutral, stop/start the engine then shift back into D, that usually does it. Sometimes it take a few tries if it's really cold.


I would love a solution to this problem as it SUCKS. I just fear that if I go to sell it, it will start doing it on a test drive.


The dealerships have been useless as expected; I brought it in when it was in "f*cked mode" (as I call it) and they put on a Tech 2 and we drove around a bit. It shows up as random misfires but nothing else out of the ordinary apparently. They wanted to sell me injector cleaners and all sorts of useless junk.




I should mention that it didn't start until I had driven it, stopped and shut the engine off for a min. then started again. RPMs don't seem to fluctuate at idle, it just seems like the either the tranny is slipping or the engine is misfiring (where's the code if that's the case?)

Exactly - this exacerbates the problem. Usually running then shutting off for 5-10 mins and driving again will present the problem. There are no codes to be found!









Poster #2: PCM probably needs to either be replaced or retuned.








ME, Poster #6: I also have a similar problem. I thought I was going crazy, then terrible scenarios go through my head about the transmission biting the dust. It relieves me that it is a common problem, but it still DRIVES ME NUTS.... I wish it could be fixed. Someone mentioned water.... I didn't have the problem until recently, and I recently washed my engine bay............


If anyone finds a solution PLEASE let me in on the secret!


I was REALLY worried that it was the transmission because the car has 197,000 miles on it(2005 GTP) but runs FLAWLESSLY other than this little bug.......





Poster #7: I have the exact same problem every now and then and usually have to pull over and shut off the car, wait 30 seconds, and re-start.


Most frequently happens after the car has sat for a couple of days...it's really strange. It just happened today actually after sitting all weekend. It was delay shifting BIG from 1-2, like shifting at around 4K rpms by itself. Then i got on the highway, and tried to punch it on the on-ramp. It kicked into 2nd and then WOULDN'T shift to 3rd... just sat bouncing off the rev limiter at around 87 mph. So i pulled over and re-started the car and boom, works flawlessly.








Poster #2: It seems to be that it does it when it more when it's really cold out. I put the car in P, turn it off..then just turn it back on a few secs later and it shifts great. I wonder if GXPs do it? It's making me regret getting it if they can't even fix/diagnose the problem.
















Any ideas guys? They sure don't seem to have any...


I should mention it only happens like 5% of the time. Of the 6000 miles or so I have put on it, it has only happened like 3-4 times.


But from a stop? It's weird to say the least. Nothing I have ever felt before.


This is exactly what my Regal's most recent tranny did before it puked itself. The TC was remaining locked.


No, I mean kill the engine... We are speaking of the torque converter?


Sounds like the typical 40mph lag that alot of GP's have w/ the stock PCM tune.


Sounds like typical 4T65E bullshit. It sounds like the TC is not locking/unlocking properly.




When you read the FSM, it says there are like 15 other things (usually engine related) that could cause this problem and not a single fucking one is the TCC istelf


The trans problem it could be is the VSS on the input or output shaft of the trans.


I know the Bonneville guys complain about a problem where if they are cruising along, and all of a sudden just slightly start to accelerate, the car "surges". TCC is the problem here, mine does it also.


I looked at technical service bulletins and was going to post anything I found but there was eight or nine of them that dealt with tranny/shifting issues like that! There was all sorts of stuff for slips and shudders and incorrect shifting, etc on a 3G GP. If theres that many TSB's out for this tranny I would think a dealer or maybe a good tranny shop could help.


I had no idea the 4T65 was that troublesome. My parents have both had trouble w/ their two 4T65's but damn. Makes you wonder how GM went from a mostly trouble free 4T60 to this. It's not like the 4t65 hasn't been around for awhile either and they haven't figured it out.


Sounds like the typical 40mph lag that alot of GP's have w/ the stock PCM tune.


uuhhh, thats when you floor it from a 40 roll, not taking off under light throttle.


My guess would be tcc. have you done any maintenance to your trans at all? im sure a nice fluid and filter change (and mabey shift kit) couldnt hurt.


Well it hasn't died yet so there ya go. It did this before that too.

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