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This is how yesterday went. Got up, went to my school for a cross country meet, no problems. Get ready to head home, my car won't start. I'm like wtf, I know its not the starter or starter solenoid. I check to make sure it was in park, which i knew it was. I mess with it a little, and the shifter knob comes off, I'm like damnit now. I'm getting pretty pissed, so i get a ride home from one of my friends. Me and my dad head out to school to get my car, he gets in, and tries, nothing, except for all the power coming on. He turns it to the one position, puts it in nuetral (spelling, sorry its early) and it starts right up. So I need to know what is wrong with this thing, because I start college again tomorrow, and I don't feel like messing around with it when I have other stuff to do.


Could be a faulty Neutral Switch in the gear selector located on topthe tranny.

I've hward of people having to start the cars in "N" as well since the sensor is shot in the Park position.

Try that and see where that gets you.


- Erik


I guess that's a possibility, but that would be rare. Wouldn't something like that have warning signs? I guess you can't rule that out though.

I'd recommend taking apart the shift plate to see if there's anything wrong with the linkage.


Could be a faulty Neutral Switch in the gear selector located on topthe tranny.

I've hward of people having to start the cars in "N" as well since the sensor is shot in the Park position.

Try that and see where that gets you.


- Erik


i needed to get the Neutral safty switch repalced on my lumina and it costed 400 bucks... but my car did start!! the back up lights and some other stuff didn't work...


i had a friend of mine do it but it was 423 just for the parts.....(From the dealer ship)


I've had a similar problem. My car does it about once a month or so. The key will just turn, no engine cranking but all the electronics come on just fine. Mine has never lasted all day, usually I just wait a few minutes and it comes back fine. I'll have to try putting the car in neutral next time.

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