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I believe my caliper is draggin on the driver's side rear. How do I check to make sure it is dragging? This would explain my near single digit mileage nicely. I know next to nothing about brakes, so this will all be new for me. TIA.



Jack it off the ground and try to turn the wheel. It should turn with little effort. NO effort= bad bearing, LOTS of effort=stuck caliper.

Jack it off the ground and try to turn the wheel. It should turn with little effort. NO effort= bad bearing, LOTS of effort=stuck caliper.


Yea the wheel bearing should be moving with fingers like they are moving in honey. If it does then they are ok, but if they freely spin as mentioned above you might as well replace them.


Brakes isnt too bad. I did a write up on it.


Its on a lumina, but it shouldnt be too much different.


Here is the write up. Its about changing brakes but at least you will get the idea.





Figures dammit. We've got three jacks and not a one of them works well enough to get all the weight off the f'ing tire. Damn jacks were all free anyways...


use all 3 of them at once, lol. You can try to scissor jack it up enough so you can get a jackstand under there, if you have one.


drive the car for a few miles without any heavy braking and then pull over and feel each wheel with your hand. The one with the dragging caliper will be noticeably warmer to the touch, if not hot.


drive the car for a few miles without any heavy braking and then pull over and feel each wheel with your hand. The one with the dragging caliper will be noticeably warmer to the touch, if not hot.


Ahh yes. I forgot I had done that too.


Just went for a fifteen mile ride. I checked the temperature of both rear wheels, and neither of them are even warm. It is defenitely dragging though.


Today it was dragging every time I hit the brakes, and even sometimes while turning while not even on the gas. I'm going to take it to the mechanic sometime soon, since I won't be able to fix it anyways (I think). I want to try and clean the EGR valve by myself before I take it to him.


How would you get the caliper to stop dragging anyways? I've heard of hitting them with a hammer, but was not sure if that was a permanent solution or just a temporary fix.


Greasing the slides, or just replacing them... Autozone has them with lifetime warranty... so WHEN(not if) it happens again, you have a free replacement. They aren't hard to do at all either.


For my 98 monte the front caliper from auto zone was 33.00 bucks. Can't beat that it looked brand new.

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