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Ok, trying to figure out what happened to this motor

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What do you think caused it to spin a bearing. Was running fine. was losing some coolent, but none in oil, none dripping on the ground. Filled back up before it got too low. Temp never went out of normal range. Haven't taken the oil pan off yet. The motor is a 3400 out of an 02 alero.


rear bank



front bank



head gaskets (top front, bottom rear)



other side of head gaskets



Rear middle cyl



Looking down at cam (hard to see)



Rear head:



Close up of rear cyl





Front Cyl Head



Valve train rear. looked good



Valve train front



Underside of LIM



So, I haven't taken the bottom end down, but what do you think could have caused the motor to go?


I'm pretty sure that's what caused it's ultimate demise, but unsure how it ran low on oil when it hadn't been a problem. Was hoping that someone could tell me if they saw issues with what I have removed so far. I'd like to sell those parts, but want to make sure that none were damaged (to the best of my ability.)


I'm pretty sure the bottom end will give me a better indication of what went wrong.


Either way, all the parts from the motor will be available once I get it all torn apart.


Judging by that lifter valley it would appear that it has not had very consistent oil changes.


How many miles on it?


actually, the oil changes were pretty regular, usually between 3000-4000k miles. Not sure why it looks like that, although it did sit in the back of a truck for a week, so not sure if that did anything.


Motor had 127k on it I believe when it went and drove excellent and got 27mpg average.


I see oil getting by the rings, and the engine being ran at a high temp. A bit of cross contamination..


Judging by that lifter valley it would appear that it has not had very consistent oil changes.


That was my initital thought as well.


Was the engine ever hard to start? Was the oil in it overfull or did it smell strongly of gasoline?


engine did take a couple click to start, but I wouldn't consider it hard. Seemed more like a weak-priming fuel pump to me.


I don't believe the oil was that overfull, but it might have been as i was not the last one to do an oil change on it. When I checked it, it was just slightly above the full mark. Could that have caused some blow by?


What kind of oil? If it was losing coolant it had to be going somewhere. It might have been burning it and if it was slow you wouldn't know.


not sure what the last oil used in it was. either 10W30 or 5W30, not sure. Standard oil though.


What makes you think there was blow-by from the rings? (for my own knowledge)


With the coolent disappearing, I assumed there was a leak in one of the hoses when under pressure and that it was leaking while driving since there was none on the ground, and none in the oil.


To much sludgey buildup on top of the cylinders.. There should be a carbon buildup as seen in the first pic, left and right cylinders. But that sludgey buildup on the second picture isnt so good.


ok, well that makes sense to me.


One note, the "sludge" on the cyl heads is actually from water. I got some snow down in the front bank when I started, and some of it melted down there.


Should I be worried that the heads could have warped, and is there an easy way to check if they have?


Yeap, I see it now. Missed it befor.


That picture wasn't showing up the first time I looked at this post, so I missed it as well.


That picture of the rear middle cylinder looks like it has been washed down - I'd say coolatn be being burned in that cylinder as well as any other issues.


I asked what kind of oil you use cause it looks like you were running quaker crap or pennzoil by the amount of sludge in that engine. More than likely you had a gasket going. Either head or intake its hard to tell from the pics but doesn't take long with coolant in the oil to shred bearings. The only real way to make sure the parts are ok is to have the heads cleaned and pressure tested and have the block magna glowed.

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