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I (not so much anymore) Hate my Car


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So, decided it would be nice to my car to change the oil pump drive seal and clean the egr port... so, tear down the motor, do the fixes just as they are t be done, put it together and start it. First problem, gas spews everywhere. So tear it back down and found an o-ring was missing on the fuel rail. Fixed. No more gas leak. So after being put together again it starts idling double and misfiring (or so it sounds)... all vaccuum lines are on, all wires are tight and in the right place, everythign is connected and no engine lights are on... I dont know what to do. I wanna drive the car off of a bridge. She ran so great 4 hours ago. :willynilly:


one good thing, no more oil leak.

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So i found the lower EGR pipe gasket fell off... put it back on, and it helped a little. still not running right. Maybe a WOT run will fix it? :burnout: Worked once in the lumina when she didnt idle right.

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Well whatever happened is probably my own fault. But it doesn't make sense, because its all back together the way it is supposed to be and everything is plugged in and tight. The car has ran so great (aside from the oil leak) and I didn't change anything when I put it back together. Plenum gaskets were even replaced with only 5k on them, but thats a given to do that. Sensors all function, all plugged in, same with vacuum lines and the damn EGR valve. Dad is looking at it while I work today so maybe he will find the screw up. Idle relearn sounds like a plan. There has to be some little tiny detail we forgot when putting it all back. Its a W, who knows right.


And, she runs and drives, but nowhere nearly as nice as before I took it apart.


Maybe hate was a strong word to use to describe my W :sad: I loved my first one. Lumina for life! :lol:

The car could completely die and I would probably buy another W. Need to move onto a GP because I love them.

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So, decided it would be nice to my car to change the oil pump drive seal and clean the egr port... so, tear down the motor, do the fixes just as they are t be done, put it together and start it. First problem, gas spews everywhere. So tear it back down and found an o-ring was missing on the fuel rail. Fixed. No more gas leak. So after being put together again it starts idling double and misfiring (or so it sounds)... all vaccuum lines are on, all wires are tight and in the right place, everythign is connected and no engine lights are on... I dont know what to do. I wanna drive the car off of a bridge. She ran so great 4 hours ago. :willynilly:


one good thing, no more oil leak.


If I was a betting man, I would put my money on carbon, I would think that a bunch of carbon might have gotten in the fuel line while you were tinkering around, probably clogging the injectors, and causing a rough idle.

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started it up after rebuild, 2500rpm idle :eek: BUT, no more rough idle, it is smooth as can be.


took it for a drive and let the IAC reset, and the idle is own to 1400, about 500 higher from normal. And SES light is on. Anyone have any ideas?

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