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How much to sunroofs weigh ?

Mike J.

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Does anyone know about or exactly how much the electric sunroof such as on my TGP weighs ? Do the other w-bodies have this same sunroof or different such as non electric ?

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probably around 30lbs or so, including glass, motors and such


No way... I've got a dumb-bell @ 19lbs in my room right now it's too heavy.

Now, I've had manual sunroofs and the glass is less than 3lbs (at full size).

Total weight, with motors and wiring, would be no more than 20lbs tops.

But, I'm also an engineer and think 20 tons is a paperweight... so...


- Erik

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probably around 30lbs or so, including glass, motors and such


No way... I've got a dumb-bell @ 19lbs in my room right now it's too heavy.

Now, I've had manual sunroofs and the glass is less than 3lbs (at full size).

Total weight, with motors and wiring, would be no more than 20lbs tops.

But, I'm also an engineer and think 20 tons is a paperweight... so...


- Erik


lol, wtf are you doing with a 19 pound dumb bell? holding the carpet down so it doesnt blow away? lol, im jk, i have a 15 lb dumb bell in my room, i use it for fast reps. i only weigh 120 but i bench 140 :twisted: powerply 440 and power clean 160, i forgot how much i squat. here at home all i have are my dumbells and our bowflex, otherwise i do all my lifting at school, and all those weights are natural, no protein powder or shakes or pills or anything, but this year im gonna resort to protein shakes and some mass building pills

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