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Remote Start Disabling list? General Key fob thread...

Night Fury

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'05 Pont GP GTP


I guess what I want to know is what all disables the remote start?


I know one is the check engine light...


And I think another is a mis-start then a wait...


But sometimes it seems to do it at random.... It works about 95% of the time though. I still haven't been too far away to start it either! w00t!


Also, my Remote lock, remote start, and panic button work fine and from seemingly forever away, but I CAN NOT get the remote trunk or remote unlock to work...

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I am pretty sure it is all controlled through the BCM. I also think you need a GM Tech II to re-program it.


Here's my reasoning for saying this: I work at a Pontiac/Buick/GMC dealer. People are always bringing in cars and want the optional remotes put on their vehicles with the remote start option. I'm assuming most of these cars are equipped with the option so that is why this is possible.


Anyways, the techs take about 20 mins to re-program the two remotes, and I know they hook up the GM Tech II... how it is all done I have no idea. Hopefully someone else will chime in on this.

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i think it may be an issue with whatever module controls keyless functions. those fuckers arent can-bus yet right? does unlocking work with the lock button and trunk popping work with the trunk button in the car? youll probably need a tech 2

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Yes, the functions work fine from inside the car.


And the Remote start still amazes me...


I was deep inside the theater where I work, and my car was parked way out back and I tried it for the hell of it...


I finally get out side and whaddya know! My car is running!

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