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Checked my FUEL PRESSURE today...

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I tested my Fuel Pressure today and got 42 psi with the Key ON, Engine OFF, and 38 psi with the engine running.


These numbers are a-ok, right?


Also, this doesn't necessarily mean that there's NO fuel delivery problem, because a Fuel Pump has to provide a certain amount of FLOW(gallons per hour) and not just PRESSURE, correct??


I was actually kind of hoping that I WOULD find a problem because I am almost at the end of checking every possible powertrain system for my: Lean acceleration, Rich idle/deceleration, poor performance/lack of power, etc...etc...But I guess the search continues...


Anyone with some answers to the above!??




The fuel pressure should drop from 3 - 10 psi when the engine is running.


What kind of engine, car model, year?



Throttle Body Injection (TBI) - 26 to 32 psi

Port Fuel Injection (PFI)/Sequential Fuel Injection (SFI) - 40 to 47 psi


Right, and mine dropped 4 psi, so everything I assume is fine.


It's an 89 Cutlass Supreme w/2.8L


So it all seems to fit right in with the specs perfectly...

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