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I took the TGP out today to make my power steering leak come back. (I couldn't get it cold, so I took it for a drive) I was just tooling around nothing too fancy, driving around BSU campus and giving the pretty ladies a BOV whistle on occassion. I pulled upto a stop sign, looked both ways, and pulled out. I got upto 2500-3000 and shifted to second, pedal went down fine, but never came back up. Clutch was engaged just fine. (And it was KIND enough to start leaking my powersteering fluid and smoking at this time) I drove it home by shutting it down when I HAD to stop, and starting it in first to pull-start it :lol: then shifting it by matching engine/tranny speeds. (Drive a semi. you'll stop using the clutch) I got home and tried to pull the pedal up w/ my hands and it took a ton of force (not actually 2000 pounds but you get the point) and went all the way up, and now won't go back down. Any ideas? My clutch fluid is fine, and I didn't have time to look at it, so I don't know what's up. TIA.

P.S. Give me good news, because at the same time I found out I need a PS pump. Not just a line like I had thought.


Could be your master cylinder. I had the same thing happen to my 87 Z24 (hydralic clutch as well).


I am assuming the clutch is still engaged when I propose the master cylinder for your clutch.


Sorry, no good news.


Where is your power steering leaking?


Yes, the clutch is still engaged. My PS fluid is coming from behind the pulley somewhere. I can see the fittings going into the pump so it's not the fittings. I am assuming that it's the pump shaft seal, but the pulley is still solid. master cylinder I can deal w/ I was just afraid I had broken something on the pedal assy. That is what I was primarily afraid of.


Thanks to everyone who put there time into responding to this post. :lol: :joke: I fixed it a little bit ago. It WAS the M/C but w/ a twist. The master cylinder FELL OFF THE FIRE WALL!!!! So I put it back on and all is well. I didn't know how it went together so I called the P/O. (He has to hate me by now) and he told me that they just fit in and turn and lock in. So I checked it out after work, and got the rod through the hole into the engine bay, and viola. One man job. Ribbie you were right. (Kind of) Man I love how TGP's make you work for their love.

Guest TurboSedan

yep they just twist into the firewall, but there is also supposed to be a screw that keeps it from twisting out - you can see the place where the screw stops the clutch master cylinder from turning out on it's firewall mating side. i myself just modified the hole in te firewall with a Dremel and never even used the lock screw. it locked in tight and i haven't had a problem since (i did the 5-speed swap over a year ago). good luck with the power steering stuff.


  • 10 years later...

lookin for a thread that tells me where to get a new lock cylinder for a 5speed Lumina...my buttons broke :( RockAuto's are all for automatics...u4a7uge2.jpg


I don't think it actually matters. I think the MTX ones had the locking button or something. Which is annoying. Mine has been switched out


No, it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, its largely a OCD issue :lol:



Here are the ones rockauto shows for MTX cars...

LOCKSMART Part # LC13250





the KEMPARTS one shows as being all of $7 only 3 left though. If you order that one, get me one or 2 and i'll pay you back for it


okay, buddy. dude, I think my screenshot shows all 1993 Luminas, but when I search 1992 Lumina, the MTX ones show up


I actually have three used key cylinders from manual transmission Ws... but all have buttons that do not work. They have all simply worn out. Stock automatic key cylinder should suffice, as long as you have common sense.

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