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Lights work but wont start!


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I have a 1997 Monte Carlo ls 3100. 77,000k miles. And I woke up this morning to got to work at my store and I got in my clean, well maintained Monte Carlo, turned the key and all the lights work but I did not hear the fuel pump turn on and the car does not turn over at all! I think it is the fuel pump or a sending unit? Does this sound right or is it something else?


Thanks in advance and P.S. I am sick of doing maintance but it needs to be done, I guess!


Brendon. :question:

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It's the computer chip in the ignition key. After so long, either the chip wears out or the switch malfunctions. There is a way to bypass it (discostudd has a write-up on it). Mine did it to me twice, and then I switched to another ignition key I had and so far so good. Just a thought.

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On your speedo cluster, you should have a light that says Security. Is it flashing, or staying on, or turning off?


If you have a second key to your car, try using it to see if it will start.

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Wow! you guys are awsome! I forgot to tell you guys that I had a sercuity light come one 2 months ago and then again like 2 days ago. I looked up the problem and it said it was the PASS 2 system malfuntions and should get it fixed. But it kept working for like 2 days so I thought it was just a sercuirty thing like someone else could start my car with another key, and I did not care, as long as it functioned properly, I did not think it would not start cuz of that. But ya that is the problem! You guys rock, thank you!


... and what are my options to fix that again, sorry, I am very short minded, lol.

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Well, if you want the passkey system to work, you take the car to the dealer, and let them charge you 800 bucks, or so, to put in a new modulel.


Or find the write up on this forum on how to bypass the passkey system, and you never have to worry about it again.

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Those are my two options? Aght. I guess I dont really need a sercuirty system, and I do not want to pay out 800 dollars! so Ill do that.


And no I do not have another key. Could I just get another key? will that work?

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You can get another key. It may not solve the problem though. You need to take your current key with you to the dealer so they can see what the resistance is the chip in the key. They can cut one after that... at cost for me they are $21 but that is because I work there..so they are more but I don't know how much.



I'll see if I can find that write up.

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You can go to the dealer, with your old key, and ask them for a new key. That runs about 30-70 bucks depending on the dealer.


That doesnt surprise me that the search function didnt find anything. The one this board uses is about as worthless as a 3 dollar bill...


I tried the search with the same result. I will look around some more and see if I can find it.

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Ok. So the key might work? What is the other variable of this problem>?


Id like to get a key and have it solved but.. what would the other solution be?


And it would be great if I could get the write up on the bypass for this system. And will this bypass for sure solve my problem?


thanks in advance. Sorry if I sound short and grabby, I just want to solve this problem without wasting 800$$$ thanks.

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Had the same problem with my Lumina. Took me forever to find out it was the vats. I would have to wait 3 minutes to start the car after it did not start. I did the bypass hack in that link about 6 months ago and haven't had a problem since! I love cheap easy fixes (once you figure out what the problem is).

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Heres a quick write up on how to disable the VATS.


1. first determine what resistance the chip in your key is. Measure it with a multimeter. Now get a resistor that matches the chip. It doesnt have to be perfect but the closer the better.


2. Then pull the botom dash panel off. There will be a orange (or maybe black) wire running from the steering column to under the dash. There will be 2 small white wires inside, the orange part is really only a shielding of sorts for these two small wires. These are your VATS wires.


3. Once you have found it, cut it and strip some of the orange shielding off, then strip the two small wires back. You want to do this going towards the car NOT towards the ignition.


4. Now solder the resistor between these two small wires. Tape it up and your done!


Now the car thinks its seeing a key with the right resistance, but its actually just seeing the resistor.


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Wow ok. Thank you!


So I think the keys are pointless.


And I do not want the dealer to fix or cut the keys that may or may not work, or fix the problem themselves


* I think I want to do what the link says. Sounds decent and I can do that, and it will work after what people have said


* I like what "Addictedtobass" said but I think Ill stick with the link and do that. So I know it will work and the problem most likely wont happen again.


Thank you again!

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