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Where can I find an L67 and 4T65-HD tranny?

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I'm seriously thinking of doing an L67 swap, i need to find a engine and tranny. I will build them both up, before installing them. I've checked out L67swap.com already, but I Need and engine and tranny and prices to see if it is feasable for me.


Thanks in advance for the help.


Look for a wrecked Grand Prix GTP or Regal GS at a local junkyard. Prices vary depending on the condition and mileage.


Thats just it, the local junkyard suck. Any idea what the price would be for an engine and tranny with 60,XXX on it?


Will the Getrag 284 fit to the L67?


Which tranny is stronger, the 282 or 284?


Find a JY on http://www.car-part.com and call all of them till you find one that has the engine & tranny in stock and will put it on a pallette. Then call a shipping company to go get it and ship it to your place.


284 is much stronger, both will bolt up but you'll need a custom 3800 flywheel made up.


As for pricing (in Canadian currency): My 1998 GTP motor with 23,000kms was $800, and the 4T65e HD matching my motor was $500 - make it extra apparent you want a trans WITH the original converter, I've heard horror stories about yards grabbing whatever will fit outta the mud, rain etc. Really it's an easy swap, IF you a) like wiring, lots of wiring or B) for another $300 usd. there is a guy on l67swap.com that will wire a harness up for you!

Find a JY on http://www.car-part.com and call all of them till you find one that has the engine & tranny in stock and will put it on a pallette. Then call a shipping company to go get it and ship it to your place.



TY for the help, for some reason, I knew you or BrianP would come to my rescue...........Now for some patience on my part. :wink:


Sorry dude, prices depend on the condition if the engine and the mileage. I've seen them as low as $2,500CDN for both engine and tranny complete with everything and in perfect running condition with less than 5,000km out of a new Bonneville. I've seen them as expensive as $4,700 for both engine, tranny complete with wiring harness and computer and it had 20,000km on it.


It also depends on where you go.


Thats just it, the local junkyard suck. Any idea what the price would be for an engine and tranny with 60,XXX on it?

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