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Strange Vibration in 94 Cutlass 3.4 engine


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Have checked all the normal stuff, fluid levels, tire pressure, no lit gages. Started yesterday, had driven the car a couple of times for short trips (none exceeded 8 miles). Had made a stop at a hardware store, got back into car, and started it. Sound was off, can't really explain it and the gentleman with me didn't really notice it. Pulled out onto highway and noticed a slight vibration, was more noticeable when at a stop, could feel vibration thru the seat. Vibration was not really in steering wheel, more like body. Car shifted fine, did notice a slight lag time in acceleration, nothing bad. Had stopped at a another light and noticed a slight smell, like burning oil, and light blue smoke coming from what appeared to be the front wheel wells, both sides. Pulled the car over and lifted the hood, nothing. Looked under the car, seemed to be condensation coming from AC but that's been normal for this car regardless of the time of year. Went home and noticed that the car seemed to be a tab bit louder when parked in the garage.


Okay, what should I be looking at? Please remember, I'm an old broad, so be gentle. Thanks Guys.

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the blue smoke and oil burning is likely the oil pump drive seal.


if the car seems louder, i would first inspect exhaust gaskets & donuts, maybe holes in the exhaust itself.


as for the vibration, im thinking maybe a misfire. check the plugs and wires.

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Would all three start at the same time??? I 'm wondering if the slight smell and smoke could be from the AC condensation dripping on the CAT? The loudness isn't much louder than normal, only someone who didn't know the car would notice. Car still starts fine and no gauge lights or check engine lights come on. Oil level has remained the same.


Anyone have an idea what would cause all three from one problem. What would a manafold problem do?


I appreciate the info, Independentfool.

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oldscsc - I always keep the car garaged at home. Maybe I'm more sensitive to the sound, My son-in-law thinks the sound kind of sputters. Will check the plugs, but that doesn't account for the sudden smoking. (only when car is really warmed up.

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Would all three start at the same time??? I 'm wondering if the slight smell and smoke could be from the AC condensation dripping on the CAT? The loudness isn't much louder than normal, only someone who didn't know the car would notice. Car still starts fine and no gauge lights or check engine lights come on. Oil level has remained the same.


Anyone have an idea what would cause all three from one problem. What would a manifold problem do?

AC condensation cant drip on the CAT, they arent close to each other. It also wouldnt have blue smoke if it could. I cant see one thing causing all these problems, and its not likely they all started at the same time either. Its more likely you didnt notice one or two of the other problems as they came on slowly.

Its only going to smoke when fully warm. Obviously oil cant burn on a cold engine.

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Good Morning, Well, drove car to work this morning, no smoke, but vibration is still there and and still no lights on dash coming on. Will be taking it to my local mechanic this am for a looksee.



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Good Morning, Well, drove car to work this morning, no smoke, but vibration is still there and and still no lights on dash coming on. Will be taking it to my local mechanic this am for a looksee.




Yeah, I agree that the "vibration" as described sounds like a misfire. I'm just guessing at this point, but if a plug wire fell onto an exhaust manifold or something else that could burn / damage it, that could cause both the brief smoke and the misfire.


At any rate, hopefully your mechanic finds the issue with little trouble!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is with great sadness that I report that I have traded in my Cutlass for a 2006 Miata Touring.


Mechanic's list of what was wrong, far out weighed the list of thing right, coils, motor mounts, leaking seals (engine and other), brakes, tie rods, just to name a few. He suggested that I get rid of it, said I could easily sink in 4 thousand and still have a car that was going on 159000 miles and not be reliable anymore.


I found a 2006 Miata, Touring edition that had 1356 miles on it (hubby bought it for wife and it sat under cover in his garage for the past 2 years). Still under factory warrenty, new condition. I got it for 16,000.00.


So, my friends, I want to thank each and everyone of you for all your help over the past few years, without you, it wouldn't have run as long as it did.




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