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The GP is running again


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Well, she's back up again, with the stock rockers :cry: I already miss the power from them, and the sound, my god was it deeper/meaner/louder with them in. Anyway, just lettin everyone that cares know. Oh, I may have found a donor car for a project, an 89 Beretta 3.1L. I can prolly get the whole car for $100. We'll see what happens...........



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Well, she's back up again, with the stock rockers :cry: I already miss the power from them, and the sound, my god was it deeper/meaner/louder with them in. Anyway, just lettin everyone that cares know. Oh, I may have found a donor car for a project, an 89 Beretta 3.1L. I can prolly get the whole car for $100. We'll see what happens...........


[Homer] Ooooh! [/Homer] An L-Body! [Mr. Burns] Excellent!!! [/Mr. Burns]

What's the scoop for that little toy? If in need of help, I've been down that path already!

What's the current situtation on getting those Rockers' back in?

Are you going to try to produce some custom parts to work for you?

Best of luck, let us know on what's up!


- Erik

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Well, lets just say, all I want from the L-body is the motor. And the rockers, yes, I do want to make some custom parts to make them work, but I just cant do it now with school starting back up in a couple of weeks. When Im at school, I have access to the machine shop for free, so I maybe able to make some custom guideplates or something. We'll see



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They caused something, I just found it out. I think they cause excess vibration on the pushrods and they eventually rattled the guideplates enough to break them. Like I said, I JUST found this out, and am going to add that to my write up, when I get a chance to write it. The 1.6s were made for a RWD 2.8 with in line valves. I really dont know why they dont work, but they dont. Im still going to try to fab up some guideplates and see if I cant get them to work, but that is for another day. Sorry about that.



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