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Radio and power antenna


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So i got this pioneer deck 3 weeks ago. Brand new. Mom through out warrenty info. So yea im driving home one night listening to the radio and i hit a small bump. The radio quits working! hasnt worked since this was a week ago. The antenna continued to work for a couple days and then quit. The cd player works and power goes to the deck but no radio signal. AND to top it all off my amp doesnt work or atleast the grounds im choosing are very poor. If anyone has any info that can help me out great because i dont feel like spending $35 to bring the deck in.

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I decide im going to best buy to buy a new cd player the same model. I am going to switch the two and return mine(broken one). If this fixes it problem solved. If not then im completly lost. I was told to follow the antenna wires and make sure there isnt a short anywhere. if anyone has any better ideas so i dont screw best buy possibly myself im open for anything.

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first off if u lost radio signal but the antenna still worked then that means the connection to the back of the unit is loose (most likely). jiggle it around the plug and i bet youll find a sweet spot, i had to do this with almost all of my head units. the antenna adapters suck. either that or the antenna wire (the big thick black one) is not connecting at the antenna end. its runs down the passenger side i would trace it the whole way and make sure its all OK. as for the antenna not working, how is it not working? be more specific. does ur HU have a remote? if so grab it and pop ur head in the trunk. turn on the unit. if u hear a whirring, maybe some clicking but no antenna rising then you need to place the mast. if you hear nothing when the unit is turned on check either: the blue antenna wire at the unit, or the connections at the antenna motor. if everything is fine then the motor needs replacement. whether the mast or motor needs replacing they are both pretty simple to do

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When not workin i mean not going up. at first you could hear a noise i had my friend listen and now nothing. All the connections are good. To teh antenna teh radio i havent traced teh wire though. When i first installed the radio i connected the power antenna wrong so id didnt go up but i still got radio signal just very crapy. Now the antenna doesnt go up and i get no signal.

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I checked this morning there is a wirring but its not consistant. It works once then doesnt do it again for awhile; i checking by turning the power on and off and just listen. You can hear it from inside the car only now its quieter than before. Does anything think this antenna thing could be a short? I mean the rear speaker on that side of the car does not work either. Its not blown just no sound comes out of it. That happend shortly after teh cd player was installed. The wiring is all intact, maybe i should just re connect all the wires.

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All you need is proof of purchase date to get warranty repair.

If you bought it off sounddomain, you should be able to print a new receipt off their website.


Only problem you'll have is if the warranty period expired already.

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All you need is proof of purchase date to get warranty repair.

If you bought it off sounddomain, you should be able to print a new receipt off their website.


Only problem you'll have is if the warranty period expired already.



then doctor the recept to go with the date acordingly :lol:

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