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Need to change the fuel filter on a 2004 Impala

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Where is the fuel filter on the this car? I did some searching and most of the posts for the other cars say they are in front of the tank.


The more important question is, where do I relieve the fuel pressure on this car?




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Is this happening to anyone else whilst searching?


Yeah the search function is broken, the filter is on the drivers side of the car about 2 feet in front of the rear wheel, there is a schroeder valve on the injector rail that will relieve pressure if you let the (air) out like you would a tire but it wont be air it will be gasoline. Or you can just wait 24 hours and the pressure will bleed itself down. Use a line wrench to remove the filter and disconnect the fuel lines with a fuel ine removal tool.




That's problematic. I don't have a fuel line removal tool.


problematic? can you let the air out of a tire? ....and fwiw: the fuel line tool is $3-4


Well, I can let the fuel pressure out, but if he'sw right and I need a special tool to remove the line from the filter I could be in trouble. From what the filter looks like though it appears that I can just use a pair of pliars to pull the line from the fuel filter.


the tool is cheap...you can use other methods of removing the filter but why would you run the risk of damaging the connectiond when the tool is dirt cheap and very easily sourced at any auto parts store?


You *CAN* use a pair of needle nose pliers to remove the fitting but risk breaking the plastic clips.

Your call on this one.



Screwdriver worked. The new filter came with a new clip, so I just made sure to not damage the fitting on the fuel tank hose. 5/8 worked for the car fitting and a 13/16 held the new filter in place.


I measured the running pressure at the rails at 52 PSI. Does that sound about right?


Thanks for the help!


You have a fuel pressure gauge but refuse to buy a fuel line removal tool? :lol :lol: :rolleyes:


BTW-These cars are metric not SAE.


I usualy pull the fuel pump relay out, then start the car. it runs for maybe a second or two, and tada! fuel pressure gone! Probably not good for something, but come on, it's just a w-body. :lol:


1996regal, that's another method of properly relieving fuel pressure. Either way is just fine.


Devin, 52 psi is good.


Thanks slick!


5speed: I didn't refused to buy one but I was in the middle of the process and I have no other driveable cars to get to the nearest auto store, and I didn't really feel like draggin the 2 year olds down there either. ;)


i usually make a habit of destroying the old clips cause the new filters come with new clips anyways.


to relieve the pressure you need a fuel pressure gauge, which comes with a return line you stick in a container. Don't do it otherwise, or you'll get gas everywhere, which ignites without a spark ona warm engine, or on your face -- you get the pic. The fuel filter -- the main one -- is attached to the underbody cross-rail just in front of the fuel tank, or nearby. If this doesn't do the trick, the fuel pump assembly in the tank (i assume impalas have these -- I know the W-body better, and the newer malibu...) can have a clog in the little pipes the line attaches to.

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