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PM3 vs no1kicker


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Today I took the STE for a ride for the first time in a few months. Before I took it off the road, I replaced the accumuator and the abs light was still blinking. Today I noticed the fluid level was low so I topped it off. Every time I hit the pedal the brake light would come on and the brakes are still squishy. The abs light did not come on at all on my 20 minute ride until I parked the car with it running, and 10 mins later it started flashing. Shut it off, waited a little while and pulled it in the garage and the abs light was off. Could air in the system cause this? Or, any other ideas?


Also while driving I realized how much I miss hearing the turbo spooling and scaring neighborhood kids. 8)

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A full bleed is required after the Accumulator is replaced. There are tricks of the trade to do a PMIII properly. I don't have my book on hand...maybe one of the other guys can detail it for you... 8)

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hmm maybe a good bleeding would fix it. I hope it does, I want to start driving it again! You have no idea how happy and surprised I was when the abs light wasn't coming on.


Thanks for the help.

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