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pulled some interesting codes today....

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i pulled codes from my 91 regal with the 3800 S1,


i got 26 - quad driver error, 39 - no clue, and 41 - cylinder select error, the car idles fine, my cooling fans work, it surges on the highway sometimes, and yeah, i'm stumped. and can anyone also tell me what the heck a quad driver is ? :oops:


26. Quad driver module circuit fault (3.8L) OR Throttle switch circuit shorted. http://autorepair.about.com/library/faqs/bl929a.htm


Error code 26 is QUAD DRIVER circut there are probably 2 quad drivers in your ECM however the ECM is not likely the problem a quad driver controls or recieves inputs from up to 4 devices which driver circut is causing the problem can not be told without a scanner "that is not a code reader" but a real scanner after identifing which driver circut is at fault you need the shop manual to identify which circuts are monitored or controled by that circut then they can be tested individually for defects


Code 26: Quad driver module "A" Circuit


Common Trouble Code Solutions

Code 26 ~ Check EGR, Canister Purge and AIR pump relays with a digital Ohm meter. A resistance of less than 18 ohms indicates a bad relay. If OK, potential ECM failure.



39 Fault in TCC (Torque Converter Clutch) circuit.



41. faulty ignition module cam sensor (3.8L)


41. Fault at cam sensor OR Cylinder select error OR Tach input error


41. (3800 through '93) Camshaft position sensor - Check the connections and wiring at the camshaft position sensor and ignition control module. Check for a missing camshaft magnet, or a damaged or faulty sensor.


Those are the information I found about those errors.

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