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Deep low vibration at idle felt through pedals and steering

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I have a 1990 Cutlass Supreme 3.1 Sedan. It has about 190K on the engine and it actually runs pretty well. Recently I have noticed that at idle there is a distinct low base vibration that I can feel through the steering wheel and pedals. This is not very loud but definatly noticable. It almost sounds like an exhaust issue except when you are outside of the vehicle you cannot hear it.


I though this could be a miss so today I changed the plugs and wires. I was extremely careful when doing so and noticed no change in the vibration. Went to Midas and they checked all the wires and everything is firing properly. I continue to get about 20 miles per gallon and have not noticed and fuel smell so I don't think it is an injector. Can this be a motor mount worn or something touching the frame or something out of balance? I looked and the ehaust and nothing looks or feels loose. I am stumped and so are the guys at Midas. I better stop before I write a book. Any ideas would be appreciated.




First off, welcome!

Sounds like (from first approach) that it could be a worn motor mount.

But, to which one it is, that may take some trail & error to find.

If not a motor mount, it could be something internally in the engine.

It's possible (but extremely rare) to have low RPM vibration will nothing effected at the top-end.

Best of luck! :D


- Erik


Thanks Erik!


I took the car out and drove it around and the car seems to be vibrating all the time now. When I drive its covered somewhat by road noise but I can feel it slightly in the steering wheel and when I stop I can really feel it. Is there anthing with the exhaust that can cause this? Possibly the connection to the manifold?


Trans mount sounds like the prob-possiblely the dogbone. :?: Does it thump when it's put in gear


I changed the dogbones last year just because I saw the rubber cracked. I do have some play in the engine when putting it into park but its been like that since I bought it (3yrs ago).


If this is the motor mounts (under the engine and tranny) then has anyone else has a similar problem? How much would this cost to repair and how long can I put off getting it fixed? Thanks much!!


Anyone please throw me any possible explaination for this issue I am desperate.

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