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A few days ago my car started loosing coolant. It seemed like it was the water pump so I replaced it. It turned out it was bad there were stains by the weep holes, but it didn't fix my problem of loosing coolant. The car never got too hot during this time. I just pulled the dipstick out to check the oil and sure enough there is coolant in the oil. So I'm thinking of one of two things, either my head gasket blew or my lower intake gasket is leaking. I just want to know if it's possible for the lower intake to cause this. The engine still runs well so I'm assuming it has good compression, but I'm going to check anyway. It's a 3100 with high mileage 234k. Any help would be appreciated. If it is the headgasket I'm just going to pull the motor and put a new one in. Found one with 80k for only $350 that's barely broken in with these engines.


Thanks for any help


head gasket - had that happen on one of my cars and 2 of my bikes - does the coolant smell at all like gas??? how bout the oil???


- Justin


Do a pressure test on your cooling system, that'll tell you where the leak is, but if there is no huge cloud of smoke when you drive, I bet its your lower intake gasket




Tested compression on the cylinders all had 175 which is pretty good for an engine with 234k. I just got done putting the dang thing back together, what a job. The lower intake was leaking in two different places. I'm happy that's all it was, but now I have a new problem. My car can no longer hold it's idle. The idle itself is very loopey and usually ends up dying. To get it started I have to hold down the gas. Once running it runs great. I'm also getting a SES light all the time. No way to check codes here since GM left out the diagnostic ports in some 95 cars because it was the transistion year between OBD-I and OBD-II or so I've been told.


Thanks for the past help from everybody and any further insight in my new problem.


Thanks for all the help, I'm happy to finally find a place where people know what they're talking about. It turned out it was just the MAP sensor. The connector wasn't locked in all the way. I can be real dumb sometimes.


Thanks again,


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