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Is this a little too much? Update! Unit was installed...


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Haha now i know what how it feels from the customers point of view! Ive had that scenario or something similar happen to me before. Although it never should have left their shop like that, sometimes defective parts work right after they are put in but after the car sits they go bad. We had a guy with a Explorer recently who was back three times because his bypass kept losing coding, even after we switched the module. I ended up putting a different style bypass in there and he hasnt been back since. The wire loom on the exhaust is inexcusable though! Always gotta zip tie that shit up! Not to mention the fact that the car shouldnt even need a tach unless its a old or cheapy remote start system. Do you mind if i ask how much this cost you? It would have been $200 at my shop for a basic starter.


The total was just over 500$. Dont' forget, this a long range, 2 way system. The unit itself was 300 plus tax, and the bypass module was another 60$. The installation cost was about 120$. They will be changing to a different to a different style of bypass, so that should take care of the problem. I definately agree about the wire on the exhaust being inexcusable, but luckily, there was no real harm done. I don't know though what you mean by the car shouldn't need a tach. Every remote starter i've seen has a tach sensing or alternator sensing wire on them. IIRC, it is needed so that the starter brain knows that the engine is running, right?


As for the bypass not working correctly...that is totally excusable, as it probably did work fine for them when they had first installed it. Like I told the supervisor there, i'm an IT guy, and I know what its like to have something work perfectly fine for you, only to have it fail the second it is returned to the client.


When did Best Buy start carrying Nustart/Compustar?


I'm in Canada, so they carry different lines of products then the do in the US. I checkd the US website and all I saw there was Viper. They've carried compustar here for a few years at least.


Damn thats alot of money! At my shop that could get you a top of the line remote start/alarm combo with the bypass and locks and trunk wired with money to spare!! Of course there is a lot of competition around here so shops are always lowering prices to get customers in. You said the bypass like slid into a port on the starter module itself? There are no shops around here that use anything like that. For your car i would use a GMBP bypass. The only wire on the car its tapped into is the purple wire on the OBDII plug. Its one of the easiest bypasses to install, and its probably what they will replace yours with. They pretty much never fail, but they need to be reprogrammed if the battery is disconnected or goes dead for awhile.

The starters we use are voltage sensing, it senses through voltage that the car has started hence no need for a tach. Once in awhile we need to run a tach, but 95% of the time is because the persons charging system is going bad.

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that is absolutely ridiculous. Damn. I payed 69 for my codealarm starter, alarm, keyless entry, automatic window feature, plus tons of other stuff. A bulldog security bypass module from walmart like 6 years ago lol for 20.00. And i decided to do it myself. So i got everything for under 100 and it came with two 3 way led remotes

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Damn thats alot of money! At my shop that could get you a top of the line remote start/alarm combo with the bypass and locks and trunk wired with money to spare!! Of course there is a lot of competition around here so shops are always lowering prices to get customers in. You said the bypass like slid into a port on the starter module itself? There are no shops around here that use anything like that. For your car i would use a GMBP bypass. The only wire on the car its tapped into is the purple wire on the OBDII plug. Its one of the easiest bypasses to install, and its probably what they will replace yours with. They pretty much never fail, but they need to be reprogrammed if the battery is disconnected or goes dead for awhile.

The starters we use are voltage sensing, it senses through voltage that the car has started hence no need for a tach. Once in awhile we need to run a tach, but 95% of the time is because the persons charging system is going bad.

I wish I could have gotten that here. Unfortunately though, around here, units all go for around the same price, no matter where you buy them. The only real difference between places is the install cost. Also, i'm paying 12% tax on everything that I had done, so that also bumps up the price a fair bit.

Isn't Best Buy under a different name in Canada? Or they have some sort of agreement with some other company there?

Best buy out here is owned by the same company that owns Future Shop out here. I don't know if thats what you were thinking of.

that is absolutely ridiculous. Damn. I payed 69 for my codealarm starter, alarm, keyless entry, automatic window feature, plus tons of other stuff. A bulldog security bypass module from walmart like 6 years ago lol for 20.00. And i decided to do it myself. So i got everything for under 100 and it came with two 3 way led remotes

3 Way remote? or do you mean 3 button remote? The system I bought is a 2 way, meaning that I get feedback on the remote as to if my car started, or whatever I want it to do. Mine also came with a secondary, 1 way remote. The reason I opted for the more expensive 2 way is because i park a fair distance away from where I work, and i want to make damn sure that my car starts when i want it to. With a 1 way, i'm playing a guessing game as to if my car started or not. Even with the system i have right now, i'm far enough away that there are certain spots in my office where it will not communicate with the car. I could have bought a basic starter/alarm/keyless for right around 100$, but i know for sure that it wouldn't have the range to start my car from my office and it also didn't give me any feedback. If all I would have been using it for is to start my car at home, or If i parked where i was close enough to actually see my car, then I would have just gone with the cheaper unit.

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