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Question about the BOSE system

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My 1993 Z34 has the Bose system in it...it works and sounds good (to me), except for the front driver's side speaker. It doesn;t put out hardly any sound at first, then gradually gets louder but scratchy. Could this be the high-quality :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:Bose amp in the trunk, or could it be the speaker itself?


I occasionally find Caprices with the Bose setup at the junkyard, and if it is the amp, is it the same amp as the Caprice one? If so I can grab it and try it, and if it is epic fail I can get that one rebuilt and keep truckin' with my current one while its at the shop. Or, if the speaker could be shot, is it the same as a Caprice front door speaker?


Thanks for any help with this marvel of GM and BOSE engineering! :willynilly: :willynilly:


P.S.-and yes, I am being a little sarcastic above and yes, I do like the way it sounds, which is why I want to keep it. So please don't tell me to pull it out and replace it w/ aftermarket, it isn't what I want to do. Thanks!


I'd wager that the driver it self is dead, if the amp was going more then one speaker would be involved. I used to pratically trip over bose equipped z34 luminas.


as for the caprices, no idea there, if the driver is the same size and ohms out about the same. I would use it.


If it is the speaker you will need to find another bose speaker of the same size and OHM. Preferably another one from a Z34. If you try to put a after market speaker in there or a normal factory speaker it will not be the right OHM load. If its the amp expect to pay a premium to get it repaired. Personally i would rather just rip it all out and go with aftermarket stuff rather then try to fix and repair the BLOSE system.

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