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Parking Lights go on.. interior lights and HUD dim too much


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There are times when I want to drive with parking or fog lights on, but turning those on auto Dims the interior and HUD lights too much to be as visible as would be nice. Is there something that can be tweaked somewhere to make the lights dim but not quite so much?



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There is one thing you can do, but I have never really tried it.


Somewhere in the harness for your HUD, there should be a VFD dimmer lead to signal the HUD to dim when the lights are on. I always thought I would either disconnect/not use this feature when I installed my HUD, or somehow hook in a switch in that line to have control over it.


As I said, I have never tried it, nor do I know if it is possible as I haven't had the chance to toy around with a HUD in my car.

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:willynilly: my hud is so bright it surprisingly hasnt caused an accident yet lol, during the day i have to turn it up and at night i have to turn it way down lol. I had someone tell me one time they could see how fast i was going when they were driving behind me lolol. They pulled up to ask me what the hell it was lol
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