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LX-5 misfire code and Engine running rough (It's All Fixed Now)

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Alright, my GF just called me and told me that the check engine light was blinking, and that the car was running rough and smelled like something was burning. I know that the check engine light blinking is a miss fire, and the running rough is proof of that, and i'm assuming that the "burning" smell is more then likely the fact that the car is running rich. My question here is what would be the main causes to check out first for a missfire condition? Would it just be the usual stuff like plugs and the Direct ignition modules that would be the culprits, or is there other causes as well? Judging by the service records, the plugs were not changed, so i'm hoping that it is just a plug that failed.



I'll be getting the car on friday, so i'll only be able to check it out then.




Check plugs first like you said. I will get my book out tonight and go over the probability list of things to check to cause a misfire.


Things I have had cause misfires in these engines.


1. Spark plugs

2. Broken Valve Spring

3. Bad Coil pack/ Ignition Module


  IRONDOG442 said:

Check plugs first like you said. I will get my book out tonight and go over the probability list of things to check to cause a misfire.


Things I have had cause misfires in these engines.


1. Spark plugs

2. Broken Valve Spring

3. Bad Coil pack/ Ignition Module





Misfire in LX-5 engine . . . . that's . . . . unpossible!


Another question to ask here. Assuming that it is simply the plugs, I plan on picking up a set so that I can just change them out when I look at them. What do I run in this car? Would just regular NGK's or Delco's work alright, or do they require higher quality plugs, like platinums? Also, what kinda surprises do I expect to run into in changing the plugs?




NGK irridium is OEM they are pricey, I am currently running E3s which are total garbage.


FWIW:Most GM's made in the last 10-12 years take platinum's from the factory.


changing plugs on the LX-5s is easy, just take off the coil packs by removing the (7) 10 mm bolts, remove the pigtail connector and get a deep well 5/8 spark plug wrench to do the rest. One tip I will suggest is be careful when you remove the spark plug insuktators (rubbers) there is a spring inside do not lose that.


Well, aparently the burning smell was strongest around the trunk area. She also said that it was more like burning rubber. (i'm not sure if thats what it was, but she is positive its not a fuel smell) I'm wondering if there is something else causing this. Also, the CEL is on steady now, so i'm thinking there may be more at work here. either way, i'm gonna be scanning the car to get to the root of it before i do any work.


On another note. I picked up a set of NGK G power platinum plugs for it. I'm hoping that these will work should it need plugs.


A thought popped into my mind yesterday...Running rough, burning smell.......i'm wondering if the Cat is plugged up on it. A clogged Cat could definately cause the car to run rough, and if the cat gets hot enough, that could cause the burning smell. This should be another point to look at, am I right?


See, thats kinda what I was thinking. But I figured that was only if the catalyst itself failed inside and wasn't filtering out the contamanents. But what about if the ceramic inside actually broke apart and is now plugging the exhaust? I wouldn't think it would smell like eggs if that was the case.


Well, everything is all fixed up now. It was a combo problem. The plugs were definitely OEM, and with almost 140 000 miles on them, they were pretty worn. They must have been worn enough that it took out one of the coils as well. So, new plug set and new coil later, everything is working 100%. Also, I have to say that this was by far the 2nd easiest spark plug job that I have ever had to do. The LQ1 is definitely a bit easier, but its nice not having to deal with plug wires on the LX-5.


The light being on constantly is probably a P0300 for engine misfire. Its possible something else could be causing it to be on tho. First thing you need to do is get it scanned


Whoops, i didnt read the last post (or title apparently) :redface:


Soooooooooo... if you ever say the LQ1 is better than the LX-5 in anything at all, I will fucking kill you !!!!! Do you understand?!?!?!?!




PS it should have never failed in the first place !!! The simple fact that it did is your GFs fault!!!

  IRONDOG442 said:

Soooooooooo... if you ever say the LQ1 is better than the LX-5 in anything at all, I will fucking kill you !!!!! Do you understand?!?!?!?!


I need to experience an LX5 now. ;)

  IRONDOG442 said:

Soooooooooo... if you ever say the LQ1 is better than the LX-5 in anything at all, I will fucking kill you !!!!!


I'll go for it...




LQ1 > LX-5 in the sound department.

  IRONDOG442 said:

Soooooooooo... if you ever say the LQ1 is better than the LX-5 in anything at all, I will fucking kill you !!!!! Do you understand?!?!?!?!




PS it should have never failed in the first place !!! The simple fact that it did is your GFs fault!!!


I never said that the LQ1 was better, i said that I found the plug job on the LQ1 just a tad easier. However, there is one

is ONE thing that the LQ1 has over the LX5.... The fact that is uses standard fucking oil filters, not expensive canister ones that require a special tool. :lol: After dealing with this engine, I would definatlly take one over a 3.4.




I can get you a tool for your filter for less than $10 and they are cheaper in some areas than a standard filter.


I wish. I usually pay just under 6$ for WIX filters for my vehicles, and all the filters I've seen for the intrigues usually run anywhere between 11 - 13$ a pop.


As for the tool, do you have a part number for this? I really don't like dealing with shipping between canada and the US. Thanks for the offer though.

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