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Auto Transmission Question

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How much $$$ to rebuild?


Any mods to add at the time of rebuild?


Current tranny has a nasty nasty downshift into first when tooling up to a slow stop...also clunks when you hammah da' sellenrator (downshift). - Is it krapping out, or is it one of those doggie bones thumpin' ?


Thanx - Dave




if it clunks with your foot on the break going to reverse or drive it a bone or mount


for the tranny price i have no clue it depends on where you take it and what is broke or not broke


i know that if you have hard parts planatary gear, drums ect. that are broke it will cost more


i would have to say call some tranny shops near you and get prices


FYI: if a shop says we have to pull and tear the tranny down to give you a price dont go there!! they should say 1500 parts and labor minus hard parts and torque converter if they say nothing about the converter ask to see if it is included in the rebuild price


should be something along those lines


hope this helps!

good luck

FYI: if a shop says we have to pull and tear the tranny down to give you a price dont go there!! they should say 1500 parts and labor minus hard parts and torque converter if they say nothing about the converter ask to see if it is included in the rebuild price


Agreed, my best friend owns a trans shop. He gets about $1200 to R&R, overhaul a 4T60/4T60E and install a new converter, any hard parts are above and beyond. He will not warranty a rebuild if you don't let him install a new or rebuilt converter. He says you're just wasting his time and your money putting the old converter back in.


:cheers: Thanx for the replies...at least I have some ideas now.




How much $$$ to rebuild?


I had mine rebuilt at a transmission shop about a year ago. It cost about $1500 parts & labor. Included was a new torque converter & all new engine/transmission mounts. (transmission is 440-T4)


As for the new converter, I say that the one I got sucks, no matter what the guy at the shop says. I'm no transmission tech, but I thought that a bad converter would make the car feel sluggish of the line. Since I've had the new one put in, the car just doesn't have the same "snap" when you push down the pedal that it did with the original one. Before, it would peel tire from a stop at half pedal or more. Now, you have to just about floor it. Also before, on a slight incline, the car would stay in place while your foot went from the brake to the gas (in drive). Now, if you're not paying attention, it will drift back almost like a standard shift car. It scared me for a second the first time it did that. I noticed the change immediately when I drove the car home from the shop. I talked to the guy who did the work (also is part owner of the shop) and of course, he acted like he though I was crazy. He road tested it and said that nothing was wrong with it.


Other than that slight annoyance, it works great.

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