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I drilled holes in my airbox.

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I drilled 12 1/2" holes in my airbox toward the front of the car and on the side toward the battery. I didn't notice any gain upto 2800 rpm's, but from 3,000 to the redline, that baby humms and I did notice a little increase in power.


I love the noise it makes in the interior of the car. I'd recommend this to everyone. 8) 8) 8)


I just cut the entire side of the box out from the factory hole halfway back to past the battery. I know exactly what you mean. its growls


oh yeah, love the noise. Also noticed my gas millege went down, caus i cant seeem to keep my foot outa the throtle. Like i mentioned in my previous post, i did like 50 along that side




yous peoples are weird. Don't be fooled by the extra growl and the powerband change, your cars aren't going any faster, at least the 3.1's. Ive done too many tests and runs at the track to know this

oh yeah, love the noise. Also noticed my gas millege went down, caus i cant seeem to keep my foot outa the throtle. Jon


True Dat 8)


It may sound cool, but it will look ultra ghetto when you pop the hood. Just save the cash and buy a CAI or HAI and do it the right way.


Id doesnt look "ultra ghetto" when u drill the holes on the bottom and the battery side of the box.


I drilled the smaller holes, and when done neatly, you can't see it unless you really look for it.


Can't you just remove the removeable front cone which will make a large opening now and will let out lots of sound ???????? Do the later air boxes have a removeable front cone like the 88-93-(or so) ???


My 94 has a decent size one but i just drilled holes in the bottom and along the bottom of the sides because it seemed easier than trying to take out the front cone and dealing with not breaking the plastic. I dont need it breaking and not looking good. I used prolyl 1/4" drill bit maybe smaller and drilled prolly 20-30 holes total adds more sound and better throttle response and maybe this is a mind thing but more high end power.


On my 92 DOHC GP the cone simply slips in and out by hand. Aren't they all this way ? :?: If you have a free-er breathing DOHC, you can probably feel some gains if you remove some restriction. Mine had a defective/scrunched halfway closed cone, and when I took it out, I Definitely sensed it had more upper rpm pull.


Yea i can feel more upper rpm gain. My cone looks like it would be harder to remove than drill a bunch of holes but thats just because im lazy. Ill try someday.

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