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Hi everyone. A friend of mine bought a 1997 pontiac GP SE 3800v6. She bought the car this morning and called me a few hours later. She was told it had a oil leak and needed tires so she drove the car to my house (3 miles) and we got the tires mountedn so i was like cool.

So the car had sat for about 2 hours on the jackstands. I started the car and let it run for a minute while i tried to reset the tire light and then i put it in drive to move the car and there was nothing at all. I felt like the car was in neutral, So i let it roll a bit trying to get it to go into drive. WTF I tried revving, reverse all the way down to reverse and there was nothing at all. Then i revved it in drive for about 7 seconds and bam it kicked so hard it chirped the tires, then it was fine. No shifting problems. So i called her and asked her how long it ran before the car was moved this morning and she said about 5 minutes. It drove fine this afternoon but tonight nothing ???

I checked the fluid and it was fine level and it was a little scorched but not too bad. I am going to let it sit for a few hours and try it again.

I do not know what to say as she is supposed to register the car tomorrow.

Any suggestions are highly appreciated


sounds like the fluid in the trans wasn't where it was supposed to be when you let if off the jackstands. but revving it for 7 seconds then it going into drive seems like a long time for the trans fluid to move around to the pump to get it going. could be a possibility that the pump might be on it's way out. your positive that the fluid was at the right level?


yes. it was right in the hatched area.

Today i changed the fluid and filter and there wasnt any chunks in the pan but there was alot of shavings. When i filled it i used Valvoline HM trans fluid.

So i took it for a drive after i let it get warm and ensured the fluid was perfect again and i noticed that when i manually shifted into first i swore i heard a grinding noise (only in first) Then as i shifted between all the gears it quieted right down.

I then took it for a drive and it worked but seems to hang in second too long. I think it was getting to 3500 before it was shifting into 3rd.

Oh and i forgot to mention that when i started the car this morning it went into all gears.

I am having my doubts but i hope for the best



yes. it was right in the hatched area.

Today i changed the fluid and filter and there wasnt any chunks in the pan but there was alot of shavings. When i filled it i used Valvoline HM trans fluid.

So i took it for a drive after i let it get warm and ensured the fluid was perfect again and i noticed that when i manually shifted into first i swore i heard a grinding noise (only in first) Then as i shifted between all the gears it quieted right down.

I then took it for a drive and it worked but seems to hang in second too long. I think it was getting to 3500 before it was shifting into 3rd.

Oh and i forgot to mention that when i started the car this morning it went into all gears.

I am having my doubts but i hope for the best



mine kinda sounds like that when i manually drop it into first.


Bad pressure control solenoid? I remember seeing a GTP at the shop where I used to work that had a bad PCS, and it would not move at all. New solenoid and it was back on the road. Now that I think about, it might have been a bad PCS and TCC solenoid in that one, but still gives you an idea. Might be worth while having it scanned for any trans codes.


Maybe a varnish and sludge buildup in the trans. Try running some type of detergent like AW mechanic in a bottle and then have it flushed. Something might have clogged up somewhere and you needed the build up some pressure to blow it free.


well i gave it back to her yesterday and when i called her today she said that when on the highway the engine was getting hot because she was revving at 4200 doing 65mph with the cruise on. I think she is going to be driving down the road and hear a loud bang :frown:. She should have called me lol before she bought it.


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