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A/C pulley replacement

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I think the bearings are shot on the A/C pulley. Makes a whining/rattling sound when car is running but goes away when clutch engages. A/C works fine. The dealership told me it was the tensioner so I replaced it & that wasn't the problem.

How hard is it to replace the pulley? Someone told me I need a special tool to get the GM clutch off. Is that true? If anyone has done this and could give me a quick walk through that would be great.





It's rare to see just a pulley being pulled off a compressor.

Usually, the entine A/C compressor is replaced in such cases.

But, since your A/C already works, I'd keep searching around to see if you can't do just the pulley.

Best of luck!


- Erik


Does the pulley not come off the compressor? I know the clutch comes off and I just assumed the pulley comes off. If not, I guess we will just live with the annoying noise. I'm not replacing the compressor if it still works.




Yes the whole pully assy comes off. Held on by a nut driven by a key. There is a a tool made to remove it.




My compressor makes that noise on my '95 Cutlass. It made that noise while the a/c was working and then the clutch died. So now my a/c doesn't work. It could be a warning to a malfunctioning part(bearing). Keep your eyes peeled to your a/c working.



So I need a special tool to get the clutch off, o.k. Are you saying I need a special tool to get the pulley off too? And what about reinstalling the pulley, any special tool/procedure for it?





Get the tool. Autozone loans them or buy one, as I remember they are about $40.00. You might borrow or rent one from an ac shop.


Good luck




Thanks Jud. So is the tool to get off the clutch the only "special" tool I will need?

As far as replacing the pulley I assume I can just use a pulley puller to take it off and put the new one back on, correct?


Thanks again,



Vince, Once you get the clutch plate and hub off with the special tool you may be able to pull the rotor of with a regular puller providing the jaws are thin enough. There is another tool to pull the rotor, get them both if you can.


Flash. I just got back from O’reilly auto parts. Returned some loaner tools. They have all the remover and installers in a kit. They won’t have the snap ring pliers or the socket in the kit. Good luck.




I just took my car to my local GM dealership and let them go at it.... Cost me $80 bucks, clutch and labour included. Oh, and don't use a regular 3-jaw puller on the clutches, I tried this on an AC compressor out of a car... Yeah I bent that pulley to hell and bitched the clutch too. :oops:


Thanks guys. I will check Autzone/Pep Boys for loaner tools. I called the dealership a few months ago about replacing the pulley and they quoted me between $300-$400. That is why I need to do it myself.




From a prievious post I made about my sis-in-law's 3100 grand am I'm guessing your compressor clutch is not fully dissengaging. Her's rattled when off and was quiet when running. I had her just leave the ac on defrost and mid temp setting until she could afford to replace it.....after a month it stayed quiet when off. It might have started dissengaging earlier but she never tried it.

From a prievious post I made about my sis-in-law's 3100 grand am I'm guessing your compressor clutch is not fully dissengaging. Her's rattled when off and was quiet when running. I had her just leave the ac on defrost and mid temp setting until she could afford to replace it.....after a month it stayed quiet when off. It might have started dissengaging earlier but she never tried it.[/quote


So you think maybe it is just the clutch and not the pulley? Is there a way to tell for sure? I hope it is just the clutch, that would be simpler/easier to replace.




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