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Stock GM Aux In

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So I looked around online and apparently there are aux input adapters for stock GM radios. For my application, the GM12-AUXv2.


Well, I have a 97 Lumina with stock headunit, and it has that nifty aux button that up until now meant nothing to me. Some research later, and apparently it will only work if the vehicle came with a CD changer, remote mounted tape deck, etc. I also read somewhere that this was only offered in 2000+ Luminas. This would correspond to the 00-05 compatibility listed of the aux adapters (minus the fact that the W-body lumina ended in 01). So I should be able to get a 2000+ head unit and this adapter and be on my merry way?


Anyone have any ideas or comments on this? Maybe even some GM headunits that'll plug and play that I can use an aux adapter with?


You should be able to swap over to the newer radio, as long as it is not too new.


And, the vehicle does not have to be equipped with a stock CD Changer or any other auxilary device. Generally, as long as the radio has the correct buttons on the front, and you pull it out and it has the Aux input, you should be set.


I did a little searching on their site, try this one: GM9-AUX. It says it's good for 96-99 Luminas... Like slick said, pull out the HU and make sure it has the right number of pins in the slave port for what you're buying, and the AUX button, and you'll be good..


OK ... I'm pissed. There seems to be NO evidence of GM putting aux cassette players in their 97-03' GPs.


Yet http://www.pfyc.com/pc/GN8004/GPINT/PAC+iPod+Connection+Interface.html here we have a case of someone saying that there was.


I would also note that there isn't any evidence of Aux buttons existing on those years' of cars which means factory trunk changers were not available either.


So why are these people saying that the modules work on those cars????

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