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Car dies at stop...

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94 cutlass supreme with 3100 V6. Just had the fuel pump replaced at the dealer about 3 weeks ago. Now sometimes when it comes to a stop and idle it will die. It will start back up and run, but occasionally dies at idle/a stop.

Any ideas?

It also has new fuel filter, PCV valve, plugs, wires, coils, ignition module, and battery.





Try Idle re-learn so the IAC can be reset properly. If they have replaced the fuel pump .. they might have disconnected the battery.


Next, it could be the IAC.


Do you have cone filter? I have the same problem sometimes when the temperature outside is so hot and the radiator fans turn on then all the hot air goes to my car's cone filter and then my car dies. My car cranks up immediately when I crank it again after it dies. I need to put something to block the radiator hot air from going into my car's cone filter.


Thanks for the replys guys. How do I re-learn the IAC? Is it just undoing the negative battery cable for awhile?

Also, is there a way to check to see if the IAC is bad?


This is my wife's car and it is starting to become a real (expensive)pain. :( :x


Thanks again,



With key off, disconnect battery for at least 30 seconds.


Reconnect battery. Do not touch throttle (ECM looks for 0% throttle openings).


Start the engine and push the brake pedal and then shift to “D.†Run for ten minutes or until cooling fan cycles.


Shut off engine. Wait 30 seconds.


Restart. Run 5 minutes in “D†or until cooling fan cycles.


Check idle speed. (Note: the ECM can only learn eight IAC counts per key cycle).


Repeat procedure if not correct


(For manual transmission, just put the gear in Neutral and the procedure is the same.)


Found a procedure on another site. Here is what I did:


1) reset ECM (pulled fuse for 10 seconds)

2) started car & put in drive w/foot on brake for 6-7 minutes. (a/c off)

3) turn off engine for 10 seconds

4) start car & put in drive w/foot on brake for 5 minutes.

5) shut off car.


Will this work or do I need to do it the way Slade said to be correct for this car?





Well my wife just drove the car & it was still dieing. Seems to be happening when car is warmed up and been driven. She said sometimes it would die when she starts it & sometimes when she puts it in gear it dies. Could it still be the IAC? If so I will get one and change it. $38 at Autozone.

Let me know what you think.


Thanks again,


Guest Anonymous

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say ignition module. My TGP does the same thing when the Ign. module is going.


this used to happen to me all the time, till my car and i came to an understanding. But for real, one day it just stoped doing it for some reason. So now we are both happy. No more screaming and swearing at stop lights. :wink:


The ignition module is new. Maybe 3-4 weeks old. I just had the fuel pump replaced and while I was diagnosing problems I took it to Autozone and had it checked. It was bad so I replaced it, along with new coils, plugs, wires, PCV valve, fuel filter and put a new battery in. All this no more than a month ago. I had the fuel pump done at the dealership. Thinking of taking it back to them since it has been doing this still after they put in new fuel pump.

What do you think? I really hope it is something simple that I can do myself here at home.


Thanks again,





About 2 weeks ago my car had the exact same problem. When I came to a stop it would idle and then die. So I had to drive around and never come to a stop.


I replaced the battery and 3 of the spark plugs-the other ones I can't reach on the back side of the engine and I got a new fuel filter and put in some Gumout fuel injector cleaner and fuel system cleaning stuff and the car has been running great since then.


That's all it took for my car, if it would've been that ECM stuff or the ignition I'd be in trouble. Maybe it's going out and the car is just temporarily fixed. Oh well, I'm happy right now though.





Finally got the '88 GP I bought a few weeks ago home this morning (had to get rid of another car first to make room for it). It is doing the exact same thing after it warms up, it has done this since a transmission overhaul and the previous owner had too many other cars to bother with it so I got it cheap. I'm going to try the idle re-learn tomorrow. I'll ket you know what happens with mine.




Disconnect the battery for 15 min and reconnect. Do the IAC relearn again..


What happens is sometimes the ECM/PCM will reset the IAC after reaching 40 MPH.. So doing another relearn should cure it.


My '89 Regal had a similar problem: When coasting to a stop (at, say, a traffic light), the engine would die. Shifting into neutral, it would start right up.


But this occurred more and more frequently, and took longer and longer to start the car, until finally it wouldn't start at all. The car sat at the curb for nearly six months, until my son got it started.


We drove it to our mechanic, who replaced the Idle Air Controller, the Throttle Positions Sensor, and the Crankshaft Position Sensor. The car has run reliably ever since.


Good luck with it!


I will disconnect the battery & try another relearn. If that doesn't work I will replace the IAC. Hopefully it isn't the Crank Position Sensor. That looks like a pain to take off that pulley just to replace it.




Did the relearn yesterday morning & she said it did o.k. for her to and from work. Haven't talked to her today to see. Fingers are crossed.

If it is still dieing I will take off the IAC and clean it/ replace if necessary.




Sounds like the same problem that I had with my Cutlass. It didn't throw a code when it was doing it either. I replaced the IAC and the problem was solved.


Good luck, Vince.

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