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The Prix almost diedededed!!!


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OK, so funny story really. Im installing my power seats the other day, get em in and wired up, then i put an in-line fuse holder on the line that i took off my brothers old amp cable - didnt bother to check for a fuse cuz it had just come out of his car so i assumed there was one - i was wrong, turns out that the wires were twisted together and then the cover was put on - so anyway, seats in there for a few day then yesterday i had everything ripped out for a deep clean, i was vacuming and i smelt something funny, so i look up and there is smoke bellowing out of my dash, a-pillars, side trim, through the carpet, under the hood, you name it and smoke was comin out of it. so naturally, i freak out, jump out of the car and start scrambeling for a fire extinguisher, but realize that it was probly just that one wire. so i poped my hood as fast as i could, grabbed the burning wire and pulled it out, which at this point had started melting the wire itself.


SO, not only do i have burns all over my hands and a peice of copper burnt into my left hand currently, but the wire melted to the floor boards of my car and put a nicce little burn line through my carpet.


On the plus side, my car is really clean, even though it reaks of burnt plastic.


Lesson: Use golves or pliars when pulling on burning shorting wire!!!


true story


- Justin

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The REAL lesson--> Make sure there's a fuse in any circuit you install in your car. I did the same thing installing pneumatic CS buckets in my 77 Ventura, the wires went up in smoke. Luckily I hadn't put the wires under the carpeting yet, the guy I was riding with almost yarfed out the window from the smell though, pretty funny.

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